Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Christmas Blog.

(I know this seems long, but It’s what God put on my heart, and maybe it’s for all of us?)

I stood last night with Aaron at a local retailer debating about what to get Deanna for Christmas.  It sounds really petty…and I can’t believe I was even debating what I was debating.  Two, twelve-dollar gifts that (either one) would take my total Christmas investment for her to the $20 limit that we agreed upon.  (o.k., I stretched mine to the twenty-three“ish” range).  Later, Aaron and I paroozed the toy aisle just to “look around”.  Three year olds do not know what that means.  We spent ten minutes there and nine of them were splattered with the phrase, “I want this…pleeeeease”.  After my firm, “No, I’m sorry.  We are not getting that”, he followed up with the now ever-common, “but I LOVE it.”  There really was no debate in my mind…we were not getting it…any of it.  Not because I couldn’t get it for him…but because I was choosing not to.  

I must say that I was very surprised by the internal rumblings that followed Aaron’s requests.  I wanted to give him all of it.  I wanted to start throwing stuff in the cart and screaming to him, “daddy loves you so much…I’ll get it all for you.”   I found myself walking and fighting back tears, because I actually could not get him everything he wanted. (because he wanted everything.) We all live with a limited supply of resources…and that holds us back at times.  I was sad because I couldn’t get him everything in the store.  But there was something else that I couldn’t put my finger on.  
(In no way am I complaining about my compensation!  I love where I work, and they take care of me just fine.  Thank you!)

Then today (20 minutes ago) I finished ordering my Tenderloin Combo at Penguin point.  It’s the best tenderloin sandwich in Warsaw. (Especially when combined with Penguin Point fries and a Cherry Coke)  After I got my drink, I sat down and noticed the lady behind me had just completed her order.  She laid a couple of crumpled dollar bills on the counter and was searching her coin purse to fulfill the balance of her purchase.  Because of the wear on her shoes, the condition of her clothing and obvious body language she was broadcasting, I concluded in my mind that this lady had probably been through this before…and from the way the cashier was looking at her…the outcome did not look good.  Hundreds of thoughts rushed through my mind and I realized that this woman was debating revising her order…and possibly not even satisfying her hunger.  I sat there stunned.  Her debate was over food.  Here debate was what to put back.  Her debate…almost brought me to tears for the second time in two days.  I did take action, but it’s not important how.  What is important is what God did to me next.

I sat there eating my tenderloin realizing (through the revelation of the Holy Spirit) that at that moment, there were people debating:
Whether to get the cell phone with the camera, or the cell phone with the MP3 player.  
Which pair of $90 pants to get.
What would go better with ham…red or white wine?
When they should surprise the kids with the trip to the Caribbean?
Which lot they should put their $372,000 house on…the one on the hill, or the one in the woods.
…but at the very same time, there are people right here in my own community debating:
Should I break the law to make sure my kids have something under the tree for Christmas?
Should I set the thermostat on 55 or 58?
Should I call the landlord before or after Christmas?
Should we really spend money on gas to drive to the family Christmas?
Should this be the year we tell the kids there is no Santa so they understand why there are no presents?
Should I ask for help?
Should I put back the fries or the sandwich?

I’m realizing that my debates that I have in my mind on most days are very petty!  I’ve not had any of the (above listed) debates in my mind in the past week.  God has supplied all of my needs.  I wonder too if he has protected me from some of the more “positive” debates to keep me dependant on him?  All I know is this.  It’s three days before Christmas.  My debates are pretty simple and I need to be thankful (and convicted)  that I am having these pretty petty debates in my mind.  
I have a beautiful, loving wife, an incredible son, a child on the way, a terrific job at an amazing church, a warm house, two cars that run…and my hunger today has been fulfilled by the Penguin Point Tenderloin combo that I couldn’t bring myself to finish because of my disappointment in myself, and my petty debates.  Thank you God for being my savior, my Lord, my provider and my sustainer.  Please forgive me for the debates I’ve had in my mind that have dismissed you from all of those roles!

Merry Christmas everyone!

(If you are debating any of the “positives” listed above, it’s completely coincidental!  Keep’s nothing personal!)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Jesus points out in the New Testament:
“I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”
John 17:4

This verse is packed with stuff.  God, I want to do the work that you want me to do.  I want to bring you glory.  Help me to not do the wrong assignment.  I know that there is lots of work out there…but I want to do the thing that you want me working on.  Merry Christmas everyone.  


YEAR IN REVIEW:  June was a great month.  After a good Memorial Day weekend, we got to take off for a week and go to Myrtle Beach, SC for a week (Thanks to Dennis and Linda).  What a cool time.  (Cool as in “neat”.  The temperature went below 98 twice I think.)  I played golf more in that week than I played all summer.  It was a great time with family.  Then came Big Stuf.  Seventy students and 10 adults in Panama City Beach, Florida.  Two students accepted Christ for the first time.  That’s the whole reason I do this ministry thing.  Our bus broke down and we spent 8 hours in a truck stop parking lot…but the rest of the week was amazing.  Deanna got to go this year too.  It was really cool to share that experience with her.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

“Doing what you…”

“Why do you do the things you do, do…when you don’t do the things you should do?”
  --Bishop Ken Ulmer

I heard that quote recently and it reminded me of the Ephesians 2:10 passage that says that God has prepared in advance things for us to do.  
Often I find myself working on other stuff.  God is in the people business.  I am thankful that he is.  That is why I am here today.  Jesus went to the cross because he is in the people business.   And he wants me to be also.  Help me with that today God.

YEAR IN REVIEW:  May was nuts.  We found ourselves traveling to Phoenix for a wedding (Drew and Lisa…you rock.) that I got to officiate.  Two weeks later we visited friends in New Jersey,  and then I did another wedding in Michigan later in the month.   It was a great month visiting with friends and seeing the country.  (I would give my right arm to be in Phoenix this morning…It’s zero outside.)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What really matters.

This is the stuff that really matters. Thank you God!

A three year old and the history of Corn Flakes

I have already told many of you this, but I’ll repeat it anyway.  If you would have told me three years ago that I would enjoy hanging out with a three year old, I would have told you, you were nuts.  But regularly I find myself spending time with Aaron and genuinely experiencing joy.  I have told him often lately that he makes my heart smile.  This morning when I told him that, he looked at me and said, “No, you make MY heart smile.”  I hope that is the case.  

Looking back on the year is leading to some interesting feelings.  Some of joy, some of sorrow and some of frustration.  But I  really think the outcome of this year is massive “forward progress” in my walk with God.  Many times during this year I would have traded the information, situation, or circumstances for just about anything else.  But, now that I am here, today looking backwards, I can see God’s protection, teaching and presence throughout the year.  Hindsight is 20/20.  Maybe I’ll look for him “in the situation” next year.  

Year in review: April was a great month.  We got the opportunity to head to Orlando for Spring Break.  Aaron had an awesome time at Disney World.  It was a great time with the whole Burch family.  On our trip home, we stopped in Atlanta and attended 7:22…a Bible study for College aged people hosted at Northpoint Community Church.  It was an amazing night of worship and teaching.  Oh ya, Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman led worship that night.  AMAZING for Deanna and I to be able to worship together in that environment.  Later in the month I got to spend a weekend in Battle Creek, MI with some students on a retreat.  We toured the Kellogg’s factory and got to see how they make Corn Flakes.  We read the Bible too.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Today is one of those days I am confident could get away from me if I let it.  Looking at the schedule, the pace could very easily root out the acknowledgement of the presence of God.  I don’t want that.  I want to acknowledge that He is here beside me everywhere I go today…especially over lunch with Aaron. (we have lunch every Tuesday together)  I realized that for years I have prayed and asked God to bless me with his presence.  I wonder if he was standing there beside me screaming, “Hello, I am right here.”   God, help me to not “miss it” today.

Year in Review:  March was a crazy month.  We moved into our new church facility.  I got to be a part of providing and hanging all the “signage” in the building and help with the “bug room” for two year olds.  God totally hit a home run with the facility.  We have grown by about 600 people a week and student ministry now has a new home too.  This building has stretched Deanna and I in many ways, but we have seen very tangible evidence of God’s grace and provision.  

Friday, December 09, 2005

"...from their sins."

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
Matthew 1:21

I read this verse this week and as I first read it, I simply remembered that I have read it and have probably heard it more than a hundred times in my life. The something jumped off the page. The last three words…”from their sins.” Christ came to save us…from our sins. I don’t know how many times I have told God…”I’ll never do that again if you get me out of this.” When actually Christ came to Earth to keep me from doing those things again, and again, and again. He came to save me from my sins. Not just the consequences of my sins.

Year in Review: In January Deanna, Aaron and I found ourselves in Connecticut. We were there so I could perform a funeral for Ryan (Lakin’s) mom Linda. Linda was a friend and fellow believer. Two weeks later I was in West Palm Beach, Florida at a Conference with my former pastor Steve (Helm). A month of both highs and lows.

Here's a view from the skies during our trip to Connecticut.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sponsor Needed!

If you scroll down, you can read about the impact that a little girl in India has had on my life and the life of my family. I hope and believe that we also have been able to make an impact on her. The letters we receive from her and from Compassion are all the evidence that we need to keep sending $32 a month to sponsor Vetriselvi's clothing food and education well as her lifechange opportunities.

Deanna and I have decided again this year to try to help get another child sponsored. We have been able to find sponsor families over the last three years (Thank you Howies, Schmitt's and Burches) and three lives are being impacted for Christ because of these families. This year, we are looking for a sponsor for the Ingabire Ratifa from Rwanda. You can read more about her here...and more about the conditions in Rwanda here.

If you are interested in being Ingabire's sponsor...please let us know, we would love to share more with you. The cost is $32 a month. It will provide Ingabire with food, clothing, education and opportunities to be discipled. Your sponsorship could literally be the key to her survival...physically and spiritually.

If you already sponsor a child, please leave your comments and share at least the name of your child, where they are at, and how long you have been their sponsor.

God bless you.

My own street.

I took this photo while in Washington D.C. a few summers ago. If you are ever somewhere and see a street, drive, avenue, court, etc....that includes any of the names below...send me the photo and I'll put it up on the blog. Have a good one.

Desired street signs: Thomas, Scott, Greene, S. Greene, T. Greene, T. S. Greene, TSG, Pastor...or any combination.

Joke of the day: A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says to the horse, "You stole my screwdriver." And the horse says..."no I didn't...I don't even drink orange juice...I'm lactose intolerant."

Monday, December 05, 2005

Blog Titles

This should be fun. Send me a title for a blog (or leave it in the comments section here) and over the next few weeks, I will attempt to write my blogs to address the title you leave. Have fun!

p.s. Here are some pictures I love to look at.

Mary as a slave?

(Please read before you accuse me of being a pagan)

Then Mary said: “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me
according to your word.” Luke 1:38 (New King James Version)

Mary sold out. When you read the paragraph before her declaration in vs. 38, she questions the angel. (NOTE:I’m not sure I would question a talking angel…but he did say she was going to have a baby --even though she was a virgin. Oh, and the baby would be the Messiah. Maybe grounds for questioning.) My point is this. After she clearly understood what God was asking…she said, “Yes, I will bow down and submit to God even though this is going to be painful. Very painful. I will submit to having God as my master.” (Translation provided by T. Scott Greene)

In many of Paul’s writings, he makes reference to us as humans being slaves. We are slaves to sin, before we accept Christ. Declaring Christ as our Lord frees us from our sin as we become slaves to Christ...bringing about a new birth of our spirit. Thanks to American History, we see the word “slave” as negative. But this is the kind of scary/ comforting submission to a master (therefore becoming a slave) that is both scary and loving at the same time. The kind of “scary” I see in Aaron when we are playing hide and seek and I jump out at him and scare him. He knows I can hurt him…yet he knows I won’t. That is why I think Mary said…”O.k. I will be a slave…to my master…my God!”

"God, help me to submit myself to you today, tomorrow and always. I want to be your slave."

What can I do?

What can I do?
  You and I have been created with a unique purpose.  

Ephesians 2:10 points out that we are all here for a reason…and that God has gone before us to pave the way.  

“No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.”  (The Message)

I think that I spend too much of my time preparing work for me to do instead of doing the work HE has prepared me to do.  

The Christmas season reminds me of this fact every year.  Example:  The three wise men…they were created to be the ones that would welcome Jesus…and protect him from Herod.  The Shepherds…well, what would the story be without shepherds. (I think you get the point)  My prayer is that we would discover what HE wants us to do, and has prepared for us to do…and do it.    

Friday, December 02, 2005


"Shepherd to lost sheep...come in lost sheep."
--Uncle Jessie (Original Dukes of Hazard television series)

"I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I
have not forgotten your commands."
Ps 119:176

Every day I stray. You shouldn’t be really surprised by that. But this next part isn’t real easy to admit. I think at times, I’ve not wanted God to come looking for me. The shame that Adam felt (probably) when God came walking through the garden looking for him is something that I often try too avoid. But how cool does this sound …I want to be the one that God throws a party for! I want to be the center of His attention. I’m not suggesting blatant sin for the purpose of being the one he looks for…I’m suggesting intentional be the one he finds and rejoices over. God, help me not to forget to repent today…and to be found by you today.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Please leave your comments. I'm curious how many things we (you) can come up with that cost $32. (i.e. Nine Blockbuster new releases, one month of digital cable, dinner for two at Applebee's...with dessert, Thirty two items from the dollar store, admission to the zoo for a family of four to see the family of duck billed platypus...) You get the picture. Leave your comments...this will be fun.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Our other child.

Please forgive me. I can't believe that I have been blogging this long and have never mentioned this sweet little girl that is such a huge part of our family. Please allow me to introduce to you...Vetriselvi. She is the young little lady that we sponsor every month through Compassion International. She lives in South-Eastern India. She calls us Auntie and Uncle when she writes us letters. She colors for us...and every month we support her financially and get to provide her with food, clothes and an education. In return, she offers us perspective in life. What I mean is...when I am feeling like I am having a bad day...I remember that Vetriselvi got a bowl of rice...for the day. When I desire some new piece of technology or want to spend wildly on myself...I remember that Vetriselvi gets a new dress on her birthday and at Christmas. We also share Vetriselvi's story with Aaron...especially when he whines! Her picture stays on our fridge and I am reminded to pray for her often. Many of her family members have died...and we have said many times, if we ever get a letter telling us that both of her parents have passed away, we are going to get her and bring her here with us.

We have sponsored this little girl for five years, and we have watched her grow up...even if only through pictures and letters. I just wanted to share with you this little lady that has had a significan impact on our hearts, our walk with God and our family.

WARNING: Everything in this entry is true. None of it has been fabricated or embellished. However, it is a set-up for the next few entries. I have no scruples when it comes to something I truly believe in. Lifechange is one of those things. More later.

He doesn't need me?

If I get hungry, do you think I'd tell you?
All creation and its bounty are mine.
Psalm 50:12 (The Message)

It’s sometimes hard to remember that God doesn’t need me…he wants me. He can get along fine without me. I love this Psalm, because it is kind of like God is sarcastically saying, “Hello, did you forget who is God? Did you forget who made the planet you are standing on…and the legs you are using to stand.”

I don’t want to forget today to look at stuff (or anything for that matter) and remember that God put everything in place. There is an order to the world and if I were to trace anything back to where it came from…I would find God.

God, I pray that the trail of my life would lead back to you. I desire to bring you glory today. May everyone that encounter today have a brush with you…because you are in me. Help me not to hide that.
We had fun this weekend cutting down a Christmas tree. The horses were a fun surprise too. Yes, we kill a live tree and put it in our house. But Aaron loves it.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Great weekend

Great weekend

Man, what a good weekend.  Thanksgiving was great.  Good food, good time with our families and one of my favorite family traditions...decorating the Christmas tree.  You may find that stupid, but I don't care.  I love it.  And, this is two years in a row that Deanna and I didn't fight when we picked out the tree.  Aaron seemed to enjoy the whole process too.  He even got to put a little tree of his own in his room.  Two things and I'll move on.  I can’t believe I'm confessing this...but the Christmas tree decorating process isn't complete unless we eat homemade chocolate chip cookies and listen to the Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton Christmas album while decorating the tree. (listen here) If you don't believe me, try it this year.  You too will experience Christmas bliss like I have so many times as a child and now as an adult.  (it is available on CD and cassette)  Maybe Deanna and I should listen to Kenny and Dolly WHILE picking out the tree.   Maybe that would help.  

Other noteworthiness
Tonight at "One" was really cool.  We had the opportunity to quiet our hearts and worship God.  We do that every week, but this week was without the band.  Don't get me wrong...I have had some AMAZING times of worship at WCC and other places with some outstanding worship teams.  But tonight was just sitting and letting God wash over me.  Listening to him and giving myself to him.  I loved the experience and I loved watching hundreds of others have the same experience.  Thanks God for showing up in the quiet still times!  Actually, thanks for being there always.

Interesting thought:  In high school, for my writing class, I copied old journals because I couldn't come up with anything to "free write" about.  This is probably about my hundredth blog entry.  Huh.

I almost cried.

I read this a few weeks ago and it almost made me cry. Partly because I am a dad of a three year old, and partly because I have treated God pretty crappy at times. Read it and enjoy.

Real Life 101 (taken from the article, "Elvis and Intimcay"--Tim Elmore)
I had a missionary friend who was fre­quently called away from home. It was tough on his family, but it was hardest for his little son. At the train station, the boy would cling to him as if to beg him not to go. Most of the time his dad would appease the boy by bringing him an apple (apples were a rare treat in this country). This would distract the child until after he was able to jump on the train and depart.

One day, when he knew the trip would be especially long, my friend brought two apples to the station. He knew it would be a tough departure. Sure enough, the little boy clamped onto his dad's hand with all of his might. Outside of the passenger car my friend was to board, he said, "Now son, I'm going to be home soon, I prom­ise. And guess what? I brought you not one, but two apples."
He jammed them into his son's tiny hands and quickly hopped onto the train. After setting down his luggage, he glanced out the door to see if his son was still there. As he looked out the opening of the train, he saw the child still standing in the same place he had left him. The apples had been dropped onto the concrete and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. He heard his little boy whimper, "But daddy, I don't want your apples ... I want you."

I think God is looking for people that will say to Him, "Your answers to prayer are wonderful. Thanks for all you've given me. But even if I never got another answer, it would be enough to just know You.” It's a pure desire for God. Noth­ing more. Nothing less. Nothing else. No hidden agendas. Is this your heart's cry?

--Isn't that amazing. My prayer for you and I today is that we treat God like God, see him as savior, and serve him as Lord.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Costly year...for someone.

Salvation (our “position in Christ”) is free.  Intimacy (abiding in Christ”) is expensive.  
–Tim Elmore

I can add nothing to that.  

I will however comment.  Salvation is free to us…but Christ paid for it with his life.  And some days I find my only excuse is… “I forgot”, “I was busy”, or “I don’t know why I didn’t pursue God today.”  How lame is that.  God, forgive me for being so insensitive.


I am excited about the thanksgiving weekend.  Someone dropped by my office today and said: “you’ve got a lot to be thankful for this year.”  Heck ya!  A new baby on the way, an awesome kid, an amazing wife, a job I love and another year where God has faithfully provided for all my needs.  I’ve traveled.  I’ve rested.  I’ve loved.  I’ve laughed, smiled and cried.  I’ve hit bottom, I’ve hurt, been kicked in the gut (figuratively), and been offered a hand (literally).  I’ve performed weddings and a funeral.  I’ve hosted and been hosted.  God has given and he has taken away.  Man, what a year.   Maybe my next few blogs will look back…like a year in review or something like that.

If I don’t write for a few days…I’m at my parent’s house in Muncie…their home is the internet black hole.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Important things...people.

Stillness…silence…peace…prayer.  Things we don’t experience often enough.  

God, help me today to experience you.  I desire an encounter with you today.  Help me not to miss it because I’ve got my nose down, I’m running hard and working even harder.  I desire community and communion with you over isolation and productivity.  I know that out of that communion will flow the priorities of my day, week and month.  And if I stop for just one minute and reflect on your teaching and the life of your son Jesus, I know that people are going to rise to the top.  Thanks for elevating me on your list of priorities.  

Monday, November 21, 2005

Marching to drums...and Henry's my dad.

Why should we be in such desperate haste to
succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace
with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different
-- Henry David Thoreau

Crap...that is amazing. That is me. Henry just pegged me. He just gave me permission to be me. To think like me (or God in me) and act like me (or God in me). Do you know how many times I have felt weird, odd or different? O.k. a lot. Many times because I have been acting weird and odd.

Here's the deal. As I am growing in my relationship with God (and I thank God I am right now), I am becoming weird by the worlds standards. (I don't mean the creepy kind of weird that you feel when the guy at the county fair follows you a little too far, and a little too close for a little too long.) I mean that I am home most nights by 4:45pm. I have breakfast with my three year old often, I eat lunch with my kid once a week, I vacation and take time off, I volunteer, I tithe, I drive an 11 year old car, and I pray before I eat...even in public.

I am trying to value the stuff God values instead of valuing the things the world values. (Look at Ps. 119:19...good stuff) Try this on.When we (as believers) attempt to become more like Christ, we are stepping out of the our current dwelling and declaring our eternal address as heaven and not here...Therefore, giving us permission to act like we are not from here. March to his drum you rebellious marchers! NOTE: this does not give us permission to be rude, mean, judgmental or leave small tips at restaurants. Thanks Henry for the encouragement.

Henry is my dad's middle name. Everyone calls him Tom. My midlle name is Scott. Everyone calls me Scott.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Good reminder.

Taken on my trip last winter from Indy to Connecticut.

Nun-Chai (not a martial art)

A nun does not get up each morning and go to the closet and think to herself, Hmmmm, I wonder what to wear today. The habit is what she wears. It is what covers her. It is what identifies her. Our condition is the same (as believers). Our habit is the risen Christ. He is what covers us. He is what identifies us. We wear him into every moment, and when we live with this awareness, we PRAISE CHRIST. (David Crowder—Praise Habit)

I like this thought because it is comforting. I am wearing the risen Christ. He goes with me, before me and walks beside me. I can confidently move through life knowing that the one who invented life and cheated death is a part of me. How I forget that daily I will never know. I guess that is why I am thankful for reminders like worship music, hugs from my little boy, encouraging words from my wife, or comments left on my blog by friends.(hint)

I enjoyed a nice cup of Vanilla Chai with a shot of cinnamon at Starbucks in Marion last night. Aaaaahhhh. Chai.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I have read countless books in the last few years on leadership. I can quote people from talks I have heard about leadership. I have invested thousands of dollars (my own and other peoples money) on leadership conferences. When I am dead and gone, people MAY say I was a leader. I really should be more concerned with whether or not they call me a follower...a follower of Jesus.
God help me to follow you today. In deed, action and speech.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Recognizing what's always there.

Acquiring a spiritual life is about recognizing God, making time for God, admitting our shortcomings to God and understanding that God is here.
(Steve Case—God is Here)

Recently I have been becoming more aware that God is all around me all the time. Duh! We learn that in Sunday school and for some reason as kids, we don’t have a problem understanding that and even acting on it. But somewhere between puberty and acquiring a mortgage I think we become less aware of his presence. Maybe it’s because we are more aware of our own sin, and we can’t stand the thought of God being right beside us, in front of us and all around us when we have blatant sin all over us. I started this paragraph by saying that I’ve recently been reminded of Gods presence. It has been as my little boy hugs me. He’s into this phase where there is no such thing as a little hug. It’s one of those grab your neck, squeeze, pull and attempt to suffocate kind of hugs. But it warms my heart and makes me aware that God is all around me. Aaron, you can’t read yet…but thanks for reminding me of the presence of my creator. I hope I can do the same for others…even without the squeezing/hugging part.

Great article about intimacy with God. (here) It is a rather large .pdf so sorry about the download time. (Approx 3 minutes on dial-up. Less than a minute on cable or DSL.)

Here's a picture I took while I was in Phoenix this summer.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Beauty and the Monk

Necessity is laid upon us to examine ourselves with diligence to find out what are the true virtues which we chiefly lack and which are the hardest for us to acquire. We should seek to learn the sins that do most easily beset us, and the times and occasions when we do most often fall. --Brother Lawrence (16th Century Monk)

Man, is that good advice or what. As I am contemplating the things I value (and plan on making arrangements to protect) I also have to look at the things that are getting in the way of those values. This quote strikes at the heart of that. And Brother Lawrence lived a long time ago. He was made famous (if there is such a thing) because of his thoughts and insights about the constant "practice" of the "presence" of God. He recognized and responded to God in every area of life. In the hugeness of the mountains, in the intricacy of snowflakes, the simplicity of water, the beauty of a flower, or the peacefulness of a sleeping dog. I want to acknowlege and respond to God every day, every hour and every second. Let's make tha our mission today.

Here are a few pictures I have taken. The flower was in Phoenix, Az this summer and the dog is Ollie. Our year old chocolate lab.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

What do you value?

Recently a friend challenged me to write down the things I value. Here's why. Answer these questions in your head. What was your great-grandpa's name? What did he do for a living? Now, name three things he valued. Did you answer all of those? Odds are, most of you barely answered one of them. That was the case with me. Now, here's a thought. My influence has the potential to last no longer than this lifetime. I don't want that. I want the things I value (God, family...) to go beyond me. I want others to know what I value and I want that to be passed on to my family and those around me. So, I'll be attempting that exercise over the next month. Listing the things I value...the things I feel are important. The things I want others to know I find important. Then the real challenge begins. Evaluating my life and making sure my life is structured in a way to support those things I value. This is going to be fun...I hope.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I got my best friend pregnant.

Put your mind at ease and slow down for just one minute. Deanna is my best friend. Now that we have that out of the way...we are having a baby (actually she is having it). On May 16th, 2006 we are anticipating the arrival of our next child. We are totally excited. Aaron is excited and he is giving us plenty of one liners about babies, where they live and how they got there.
Please keep Deanna and this little one in your prayers. She's about 13 weeks along and things are going well...but prayer never hurts.

BABY NAME CONTEST: Win a free t-shirt by leaving a creative name for our new arrival. Leave a boy name and a girl name. I'll pick the name I think is worthy of a free shirt. (This does not necessarily mean that we will name the baby what you suggest)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My friend Matt...and a pig.

Well, we couldn't find the picture of the pig in my car...but here's the pig. My first hog roast. My other friend Shane (not pictured) and I wanted to roast a hog for a youth event. (what were we thinking?) So we had to pick up this dead pig at the meat locker and roast it. Neither of us had a truck, so we put it in my car. Yes, my Saturn...the same one that many of you have ridden in. What a fun time. I think I like the picture from yesterday better.

Fun memories with friends.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


The picture above is my attempt at art. It's been forever since I've been in art class, but I sometimes dabble with the arts and photography. I call this photo: "A lighting fixture that looks like a UFO" or "Amber Noelle Swinford"(in honor of the girl I had a crush on my 6th grade year at church camp. Love you Deanna!)

No Free T-shirt contest today: But can you guess where this photo was taken?
A. Frank Lloyd Wright Museum in Phoenix, AZ
B. Muncie Children's Museum (Muncie, IN)
C. Some airport I flew through this summer.
D. Crossroads Community Church in Newton, New Jersey
E. My neighbors new house (Warsaw, IN)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wings and underplayed Bible.

I have had so many great opportunities to grow in my faith. I have been to camps, retreats, conferences, outings, meetings and gatherings. I’ve fasted, prayed, experienced silence, solitude, stillness and study. I’ve read books, listened to tapes, watched great messages on dvd and discussed Christian classics over coffee (actually Chai). But here’s the deal. If I don’t do anything with what I’ve gained…have I really gained anything? I found this verse a few weeks ago.

“Only let us live up to what we have already attained.”
Phil 3:16

I say “I found it” because it is tucked behind a very common verse we hear a lot...but this one gets very little play. (see what I mean

My desire it to live up to what I have already attained. Many people in the world would die to have experienced some of the amazing things I have been able to experience. Home churches in China would be revolutionized by the simple library (o.k. 4 shelves of books…but that’s a ton to the persecuted church) of resources that I own, and have at my fingertips. God, help me today to simply draw on what I already know and have attained…and apply it.

I watched the Colts game with some great friends last night. Evan, Shane,
Morris and Gern. What a great time. I should have gotten the mild sauce on my wings. Ouch! I got on-line this morning and read Evan’s blog and was almost brought to tears at this entry…or maybe it’s still the wings?

Lastly, Aaron has a new baby Cousin. Alayna. He loves her a lot and will tell you all about it. Here's the CONTEST FOR THE DAY. Comment and leave a "suggested title" for this picture. I'll pick a winner tomorrow and the winner gets a free t-shirt from

Alex F. won yesterday. She was wrong, but she was the closest. The picture was on the ferry that takes you to Mackinaw Island, Michigan. Nice try for those of you who guessed Niagra falls though. But South Carolina in August wearing sweatshirts. Come on people. Have you never watched CSI. Get some skills.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Where in the world...

Several years ago, I bought Deanna one of the cheeziest Christmas gifts I have ever gotten her...but it might have been one of my most thoughtful (so she says). I purchased for her the cd rom version of "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego". She had shared with me once, that as a child she loved playing the game with her sisters. So during a random pre-Christmas outing to "Staples"-The office supply superstore- The game leaped to me from the rack of often forgotten, but reasonably priced cd rom games. I purchased it. Aaahhh...what a memory.

In honor of that memory and the fact that this week kicks off NBC's,
The Today Show, feature, "Where in the world is Matt Lauer" ...I submit this picture of Deanna and I on our first anniversary. It was an amazing vacation. One that I will never forget. Spending that much time with my best friend at this location was relaxing, fun and just really cool. (So cool in fact, we went back for our second anniversary) So, here's what you get to do now. Guess where we went on our anniversary. Leave a comment and guess where the photo was taken. The old ladies and the water give a small clue. Here's another clue...our anniversary is August 16th. If you think you know, submit a comment with your answer. The first right answer gets a free t-shirt from (Sorry Deanna, you are not eligible)

By the way, two years after I got her the Carmen Sandiego game ...I got her "Clue:Murder at Boddy Mansion" for Christmas...the music on the game is annoying...but she loved it. I love that gal.
Coming later this week: A picture that includes my 1994 Saturn, a really good friend and a really dead pig.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

An Open Letter.

Friendships can be a really cool thing.  They also can be a source of pain.  My time in student ministry is peppered with countless meetings about people who have been hurt by friends, misunderstandings between friends, friendships that have been taken advantage of and yes, boy/girlfriends stolen by friends.  Every one of those conversations stands out as very painful. (usually if students are talking to me about it…it is past the point of painful and has sometimes even turned to…dare we say it…anger)  I guess I am writing all of that to say this.
An open letter to all my friends:  I am sorry that I have been the giver (disher-outer) of the above mentioned hurt, pain and disappointment.  (Although I can’t think of an instance where I stole a girlfriend from any of you).  I know that because I possess a belly button (and am therefore human) I have hurt you at times.  I have let you down.  I have disappointed you.  I have been late, I have forgotten, I have been insensitive.  I may have even on occasion made a joke at your expense that you thought wasn’t funny.  “I am sorry.”  I think those are words that I don’t say often enough in friendship.  I may overestimate your ability to forget or to heal without those words.  I don’t expect this blog to be surgery for major hurts…but maybe it will be a start.  I value you, I care about you and I want to be there for you.  Even if my actions have indicated otherwise.  I would not be where I am today without the friendships in my life that have carried me, encouraged me and lead me.  Thank you all.  You know who you are.

Question of the day:  Instead of answering the question of the day, e-mail a friend to let them know how much you appreciate them.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

“shut up and quit being stupid.”

Kevin (Haines) is another one of my friends. Kevin is one of those people that pushes me and inspires me and I don’t even know if he knows it (maybe he will after this blog). Kevin is one of those encouraging and truth telling friends. If I have a bugger hanging…he’ll tell me about it so I won’t be embarrassed in front of others. Then he will laugh his head off at me. He helps me laugh at myself. I need that. He also can see through me and knows when I am down or hurting. And note this students: He’s not afraid to ask me what’s going on...and not let up untill I tell him about it. That’s friendship. I think God gives us those people (and makes us be that person for others sometimes) to make sure we keep going. Kevin is one of those people you better be careful sharing your dreams and goals with…he won’t let you fail at them…so make sure you share what you want. My only doubt is that I am as good a friend to Kevin as he is to me. He would read that comment and tell me to, “shut up and quit being stupid.” Thanks for being a great friend Kev. I hope I can be there for you like you are for me. O.k., I’ll shut up. Sorry.

Note to all my friends: Friends being blogged about are presented in no order. They are completely random. Order of listing, or length of blog is not an indicator of either the value I place on our friendship, or the size of Christmas gift I expect. Carry on.

That's Kevin on the left, I'm in the red hat and that's our friend Wil in the kilt. (That may not all be true...but it does make you think doesn't it?)

Question of the day:
Are you only answering the question of the day ONLY if there is a prize on the line?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Friends and Septic Tanks

Man, I have been blessed with a ton of friends. I wonder if any of them read this…anyway… One of those great friends I have is my friend Brandon. Many of you know him. Brandon and I met several years ago playing softball. We’ve had the opportunity to travel together, eat together, laugh together, pray together, play ping pong, share an office, golf, drink coffee (or girly drinks at Courthouse Coffee), make fun of eachother, make fun of others, humor eachother at weddings, comfort eachother at funerals… he even bought me a snowblower (I paid him for it…but not much). This is how good a friend Brandon is…actually, I can’t tell that story…but just know it involved him to do something with our septic tank…and he did it. That’s friendship. Brandon and I have the same standards and we look out for eachother. The only problem I have with our friendship is that we don’t get to see eachother more often. Thanks B-dog for being a great friend.

I have another friend who is living in India right now…Read Sarah’s blog
here…cool stuff.

Question of the day: Would you rather visit India or China?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Up late

Up late
My friend Troy once said, “There are 24 hours in a day, and I’ve found that sometimes you have to use them all.”  It doesn’t happen to me very often, but on occasion that happens.  I came close 2 nights ago.  I was up with Aaron b/c he woke up at midnight crying.  Once I got him back to sleep, I couldn’t sleep.  My mind was racing…then I made hot chocolate and watched a sermon by Bill Hybels from Willow Creek.  It was over after that.  I read some and surfed the web a little bit.  It was quiet.  It was cool.  I got back to sleep at 5:30 am.  I was fully expecting to drag through the day on Monday…but I didn’t.  I had a ton of energy…right up until 8 pm last night…then I crashed.  While Troy’s statement is true, I don’t recommend it very often.

We had a great time with my friend Shane last night.  He bought us Pizza King (Thanks Shane).  I love Pizza king.  Pizza Hut for lunch yesterday with Stevan (Pastor at Warsaw Wesleyan) and Pizza King last night with Shane…not good on the pipes.   Not very inspiring today.  Just keeping you up to date on life.

Question of the day:  Give me link to a good website you’ve viewed lately.

Monday, October 31, 2005


What kind of impact are you making. I know that impact is the name of our middle school ministry...but peel your brain away from that for a minute. Are you making concussions in your world. Not beating people over the head so as to cause memory loss...but what kind of damage are you doing on the people around you. If you were a grenade thrown into a room...would people be influenced by you...or would you be a loud noise and bright light for a second and leave people wondering in five minutes, "what was that all about." With no permanent influence.

Deanna and I had an interesting conversation tonight. We talked about our past and the people that we have been friends with. We discussed how those friendships have transitioned over time from people who influenced us to people we have influenced. I speculate that many of friends have had a huge impact on me...but as we talked more, I wonder how many of my friends I influenced. Over the next few days, I'll share some thoughts about some of my friendships. This could be fun.

Question of the day: Would you rather drive a tank or ride in a helicopter?

Man's best friend? This is a picture of our dog "Ollie". Sit. Good boy. (He's over 75 pounds now...but just as cute...except when he tries to eat his own poop, or when he wakes up Aaron.)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Practicing Presence

To "pray without ceasing" and to continually be in the presence of God...that is the goal. The last few days, I have read the book, "God Is Here. Connecting with Him in everyday life." (or click here for a sample of the book) What an amazing thought. He is present right now as you read this. Or think about it like this: Many times I have gone to a worship service and thought that would allow me to enter into God's presence. But that is like saying that God is like a snake in a basket. The music and singing brings him out and he'll dance with us and when the music stops...he goes back into his basket. Sounds dumb when you read it doesn't it? I've done it way too often.

Well today, try and remember that God is always here. Always ready to talk. He's in the ordinary things that we do or are involved in. Yesterday I mowed the yard and was in his company as I sat on the mower breathing the exhaust. He made the grass I was mowing, we gave someone the smarts to create the mower I was on...he was in the warmth of the sun on my shoulders. He is always around...we just have to do our part to recognize it. It's going to take practice.

Question of the day: Would you rather mow the yard or shovel snow in the driveway?

Friday, October 28, 2005

Just keep swimming.

If you have ever watched “Finding Nemo”…you recognize that line.  I think that line maybe applies to spiritual disciplines.  Some days it’s hard to engage with the Bible or prayer.  But we have to “just keep swimming”.  Today, the verse has been rolling around in my head again…”continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is Christ who works in you to will and act according to his good purpose.”  (Philippians 2:12)  Even when we don’t have the desire or the will to pursue God…he gives us both the desire and the power.  “For God has not given us a spirit of fear.  But a spirit of power of love and self control.”  Claim it today.

Question of the day:  Would you rather have an annoying headache or an annoying cough?  

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Original Thought

“When we understand that God really understands…we’ll understand what a big deal prayer really is.”  --Scott Greene

That quote may be an original thought.  I know that many of you may not think I am capable…but I think I am.  As a matter of fact…I have many original thoughts, and many of them can’t even be shared with you right now because they are so cool.  At least in my mind they are.  That’s why I’m not letting them out yet.  All that said, the above thought is inspired by my own lack of understanding of how big God really is.  And I am so thankful that he is so big.

I am excited about what God is doing right now in my life.  Although lately I haven’t been feeling well and I haven’t been sleeping well…there is this cool feeling knowing that he is both my Lord and my savior…in spite of how I feel.  At times in my life I have separated those (Lord and Savior) and simply chosen for him to be my savior…without surrendering daily control of my life. Today, I think it’s both.  God help me to continue to live that out.

Big announcement coming soon to this blog.   Stay tuned!

Question of the day:  Do you ever read more than just the question of the day?

This sucks:  I had to scrape my windshield this morning!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Question of the day:  Would you rather have a few deep friendships or many shallow relationships?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Who surrounds you?

So who do you most often find your self running around with. I am realizing that I most often find myself around people like me...and people that like me. While the second one is obvious (we surround ourselves with people who accept us) why do we more often than not find ourselves around people that are very similar to us. Think about it. They are people that look like you, dress like you, think like you...the list goes on.
What if we made a commitment to look for friendships among people not like ourselves.
Last year, I was looking at Aarons scrapbook from the hospital when he was born. All of our visitors (great people) were just like us. If he grew up only knowing the "scrapbook people", he would think that no one else existed...or worse...that he shouldn't like people not like him.

I don't know what this is going to look like in the future for me, but I want to have friends that are not like me...but who I like, and they like me. (kind or wordy, but I think you get it.)

Question of the day: What famous dead person would you really like to meet and why? (You can't say Jesus...that's too obvious.)

Monday, October 24, 2005

Interesting Fact: The state of Connecticut uses the following schedule to compensate workers for work-related injuries.

Lost or damaged body part
Thumb on your dominant hand is worth 63 weeks of compensation.
Pancreas is worth 416 weeks of compensation.
Any toe (other than your big toe) is worth 9 weeks of compensation.
Your nose is worth 35 weeks of compensation.

Question of the day: Would you rather paint a picture or write a book?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Question of the day: Would you rather win an iPod, or front row tickets to see your favorite band in concert?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Being or Doing?

Who we are matters so much more than what we do. I know that may not sound right at first…but think about it. Who we are really drives what we do. If at the core of me, I am selfish…the things I do will tend to be things that serve me. Or you can look at it like this. Focus on being and not doing. I was challenged a few years ago (by someone I look up to) to examine my life and see where I was working more…in the “doing” or “being” area of my life. Here is what I have concluded. Many times I have been more concerned about my celebrity than my identity. (I’m not suggesting for one second that I am a celebrity, but I’m using that word to make a point.) Often we are concerned about what we do than who we are…for the sake of acceptance. Last year at Catalyst, I was challenged deeply by John Maxwell’s confession when he said that, “for too long I was concerned about doing something great FOR God instead of being concerned with God doing something great IN me.” That hit me right in the eyes…and still causes some thought today as you can see.

God, help me to focus on BEING and not DOING this week.

Question of the day: Would you rather read a page out of the dictionary or a page out of the yellow pages?

p.s. Enjoy some starbucks.

Friday, October 21, 2005

What a ride.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways at the end, totally worn out, shouting, "Holy cow...what a ride!"
~Zig Ziglar

I love that quote. It's kind of humorous way of saying, "sell out for really don't have anything to lose!"

Question of the day: Would you rather live in New Jersey or New Mexico?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Question of the day: Would you rather hold a chimp for a half hour or ride an elephant for a half hour?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Question of the day: Would you rather go camping for a week or stay in a hotel for a weekend?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Who can I...

Here’s a question to ask yourself: “Who can I make feel significant today?” What do you think our days would be like if we wrote that question on the inside of your eyelids (DO NOT TRY THAT) and walked around all day with that thought on our minds. Could it be that people would start to feel significant. Could it be that they might treat us as if we are significant. Well, the truth is. We all are significant. And when we don’t treat people like they are…we are trashing God. What? How can we be doing that? Well, the Bible clearly points out that we are made in the image of God. Therefore, not communicating to other people they are significant, is communicating to God that we don’t think a lot about him or what he made. It may be a stretch, but that’s why this is a blog and not a published article in a reputable magazine or newspaper.

Question of the day: Which ocean would you rather swim in...Atlantic or Pacific...and why? (We'll leave the Gulf of Mexico out right now due to obvious hurricane issues.)

p.s. Here's what I'm drinking this morning. I love hot chocolate!

Interesting article here. While I don't agreee with all of it...I like the passion behind it.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Burn it up.

At Catalyst, Louie Giglio made this statement:

"...our mission is to burn up our life for him (Jesus), so when we meet him,
we can say that we lived."

I love that idea. But it hurts when I begin to examine my life very closely. Seems to me that I act a lot out of self-preservation. That I'm not burning up my life for God. It's more that I'm warming it for myself. Don't be confused...I don't think he was talking about burning out. (I have enough entries about that) I think he was asking if we are leveraging all of our time, talents, energy and resources to LIVE for God. Not smacking people over the head with Bibles or handing out "Jesus Frisbee's"...but simply living with this one thing in mind. Give him glory. (Glory: Great honor, praise, or distinction. Adoration, praise, and thanksgiving offered. )
Mission for today: Give God glory.
Mission for tomorrow: Give God Glory.

Question of the day: Would you rather have a lead role in an Opera or be in the audience of the taping of Oprah?    

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Question of the day: (Movies) Would you rather watch a Romantic Comedy that's really good, or a Big Budget Thriller that's not that good?

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Aaron's Birthday

Today is Aaron's third birthday! I can't believe that the little man is three. I thank God for my family. My prayer is that lot's of people will know about Jesus because of Aaron...and that he will be potty trained very soon!

Question of the day: Would you rather sit in church or sit somewhere quiet reading the Bible?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Smaller than you might think.

Making a difference is usually smaller and quicker than one might think. (my paraphrase of Malcolm Gladwells idea behind The Tipping Point) As I look back over my life (that makes me sound old) I think some of the biggest changes in my life came about by some pretty small moments or actions. Deanna is my wife because I finally said, "will you marry me?". I am a Pastor because I knew God was asking me to trust him and I said, "yes". My current spiritual state of being is in place because I have decided in the small moments to make it a priority. I think I have gotten caught up at times thinking that life is about these big, huge moments at a camp, retreat or conference where I make a decision to finally do _________ . (insert whatever emotionally driven commitment you would like in the blank. I've probably made it.) But what I am learning is that it's about the small moments that usually cost me very little. Those are the times that make the biggest difference. I don't know, I'll think about this some more, but I would love your thoughts on this...along with the answer to the question of the day.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite way to waste time?

Another Catalyst quote that goes along with the statement from above: "Emotionally charged environments are like a fog." I'm learning it's not smart to make directional decisions in a fog. At least without a good compass and map.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Pace (third entry)

I'm starting to see a pattern. Yes, this issue of "pace" seems to continue to surface in my life. (cruise through my blog archives to read the "pace issue" pattern) It seems to root out the things that are really important, and let surface the things that are urgent. This really should come as no surprise to me. I've let it burn me before, so I now know what to look for and how to avoid an all-out crash. The key is, disrupting the pattern. I think this pace (what's driving what or who's driving who) issue is one that affects us all. (although I would question whether or not the little compassion girl in India we sponsor deals with it...her name is Vetriselvi). Last week at Catalyst, I heard Bill Hybels speak to this same issue. He said:

"the rate at which I was doing the work of God was destroying the work of God in me."

Wow...that's good stuff. I think I'm going to go for a walk and enjoy God's creation. God, help me with my pace today...even if it's just on the inside.

Question of the day: Which would you rather eat: a house salad from McDonald's or a house salad from Applebee's? (it's salad, is there really a difference?)

Here are the guys I went to Catalyst with.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cultural First Responder

So here’s a thought. God has called us to be salt and light in the world. As a matter of fact, some of His last words were to “go into the world…”. What if we viewed every day as if we were “Cultural First Responders.” People who see the world around us in danger and jump in to help. Sure, we may be engulfed by flames, put ourselves in danger or we may even get scrapes and bruises from time to time…but it’s better than standing on the outside, yelling at people to “come out.” If there is something that 9-11 taught us, it was that those people who run in when everyone else is running out…those people are called hero’s. Since last week, I have been asking myself about my role in this culture…my context. Am I “running in”, or standing on the outside hollering at people to come out. I am not suggesting that we run out and become pot smoking drunks who commit sexual sin…that would be like running into a house fire and lighting yourself on fire. How does that help the people in the house. No, maybe I am suggesting that we arm ourselves with Gods truth, His wisdom and the leading of the Holy Spirit and become “First Responders” in our culture. People did that for me…the least I can do is use my divine giftedness to lend a hand to my generation and those who will come behind us.

Question of the Day: Do you feel like you are more often...
A.) An influence on others.
B.) Influenced by others.

I'll write more later.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Question for Tuesday

Catalyst Thought: I was moved deeply last week when I heard Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz) make the following statement. "Six months after becoming a believer, most new Christians lose their influence with non-believers." That scares the poo out of me. I read that and I think, "Who do I have influence with? Do I have any influence with people who aren't believers. Do I even have friends who aren't believers?"
Now, pair that with this quote from Erwin McManus. "We're not losing the game (winning new believers) because people are becoming more secular, it's because we are becoming too spiritual." Yikes. Am I too spiritual for non-believers to stomach? That makes me want to quit my job in the church and start applying for jobs at the local foundry or at the BP station to meet and rub shoulders with people just looking for a friend. Let's not freak out... I know God has me here for a reason...but I want to be influential with people far from Him. God, help us all to be INFLUENTIAL today!

Question of the Day: How often in the last week would you say you have felt extremely tired (not just sleepy) or run down?
Answers to choose from:
a.) not at all
b.) sometimes
c.) often
d.) all the time.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Consumer or Consumee

This weeks blogs will be influenced in a major way by the conference that I went to last week. The conference was called, Catalyst: A gathering of Next Generation Leaders. Many of the thoughts I had and messages I heard are still rolling around in my're going to get most of it raw and un-edited. Feel free to comment if you disagree with something, or to leave a note letting me know you have felt the same way. All I really know is this. I had an experience with God and I am confident that I am not the same. I thing that's why he wants us to daily have experiences with him. Not just at a cool camp or an amazing conference.
To provide some order for this Catalyst debriefing (my brain dump), I will highlight my thoughts from the conference every day with the heading, Catalyst Thought just so it doesn't get lost.

Catalyst Thought: When I worship, am I a consumer or am I being consumed? Louie Giglio threw out the thought that all to often we go to worship looking for what we can get...and we miss the point. Worship is about what we GIVE to God. I must admit, with the onset of new worship music (thanks David Crowder and Chris Tomlin) and some amazing worship bands to lead me...I have attended hundreds of amazing worship services over the last several years that have blown me away. But as I look back, I have acted as a consumer almost every time. I have gotten lost in the "taking" and have not come to the alter of celebration to "give". After his talk, we had a time of worship (celebration). For the first time in a long time, I was consumed by God instead of the consumer of God. I want that for my life every day!

Question of the day: If money were no object, would you rather eat Taco Bell or Hacienda?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Win the ipod

Here's how to win the ipod that we are giving away at "one".

1. Leave your name (first and last) and the answer to the "question of the day" as a comment on the blog posted each day.

2. That's it. For every comment you leave (maximum of one a day) you will receive one entry for the drawing to win the i-pod mini on October 23rd. You must be present to win the ipod. I can't stress this enough. Only leave one comment per day. Only one per day will count. If you don't answer the question, it doesn't count. There is no right or wrong answer. You will get an entry no matter what your answer is. Good luck.

Question of the day (October 9th): Which do you have a harder time with...reading the Bible or prayer?

I'm back

Well, it's been a few days since I last blogged, but I am back in town now. I will be gathering my thoughts over the next few days and will have some entry's that will reflect my time away. I was really good stuff. I can't wait to share more.

Monday, October 03, 2005

The race is on...

Today has been a whirlwind. I had a great time connecting with God this morning through silence and stillness and study (all "s" words...huh.) and ever since then, I feel like I have been in a race. I am trying to get everything ready to be gone for 5 days and's crazy. The "nutso" part of it is that I have left God sitting on the sofa where I had my connection time with him. I know that sounds like a bad "middle school camp skit" but that is exactly what happened. Pray for me. Pray that I don't do that same thing over the next 5 days at this potentially life altering event. Also, if you think about it, shoot Deanna an e-mail to encourage her. She may not even know you, but she would like to hear from you.

I hope to update this from the conference...but if not, please come back next week. I hope to have some cool stuff.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Greatest Quest

At the risk of violating the central message of my last have to read this. I'm not suggesting that you "experience God through Billy Graham", but this excerpt from one of his books is amazing. It gets at the same idea that Tozer was talking about in my last post, but from a different angle.

The Greatest Quest by Rev. Billy Graham
You started on the Great Quest the moment you were born. It was many years perhaps before you realized it, before it became apparent that you were constantly searching—searching for something you’d never had, searching for something that was more important than anything else in life.
Sometimes you have tried to forget about the quest. Sometimes you have attempted to lose yourself in other things so there could be time and thought for nothing but the business at hand. Sometimes you may even have felt that you were freed from the need to go on searching for this nameless thing. But always you have been caught up in it again, always you have had to come back to your search.
(complete excerpt here)

My desire is to go on that quest again this week. I have taken that journey before, but have abandoned it frequently. I pray that this week will be different.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Blog Cheater

I can't believe that I am actually going to blog this big of a quote. It seems like cheating, but then again...this quote blows me away. Read it a few times and let it sink in...I'll wait.

"True Christian experience must always include a genuine encounter with God. Without this, religion is but a shadow, a reflection of reality, a cheap copy of the original once enjoyed by someone else of whom we have heard.
The spiritual giants of old were men who at some time became acutely aware of the real presence of God and maintained that consciousness the rest of their lives. The first encounter may have been one of terror...Usually this fear soon lost its content of terror and changed after a while to delightsome awe, to level off finally into a reverent sense of complete nearness to God. The essential point is THEY EXPERIENCED GOD. " -A.W. Tozer

That blows my mind. I want to be one of those people who gets up in the morning and experiences God. Not so I can be some spiritual giant...but so when I am gone from this world and I'm spending every waking minute with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, people will say about me: "He experienced God...and he taught me to do the same."

Sorry that this is so heavy...but I know you can handle it. What do you want people saying about you once you are gone?


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Cool thought. (At least I think it is)

I love my wife. I'm not just posting this so she will read it. I love her a lot. She's a great mom and a great wife. I think she is beautiful. I wouldn't trade her. That's all for today.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

More Pictures of SYATP

Check out more pictures of Sunday's amazing event here.

Missing what you don't have.

Our phone at home has been out since yesterday at 3pm. It's been a rather interesting experience. Besides the lousy customer service offered by Sprint (the guy actually asked us if we were interested in switching our long distance when we called to report that they were not even providing us with phone service because of an outage) I learned last night that I have become very "dependent" on the internet and staying connected. I was a little disappointed by my anxiety level every time I went by our office and tried to log on. (yes we are still on dial-up...we are practicing the spiritual discipline of simplicity...and we're cheap!) Have I let this connectedness get in the way of God and I? How did the pioneers connect with God without to look up verses? Last night was good for me. No internet...just my journal and Gods word. Now that I think about it...I hope our phone is out more often...kind of.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

His Podcast

I sometimes forget that God is always (and I don't use that word often) trying to tell me something. He is constantly broadcasting to me. Jesus puts it like this as he's talking to God:

"I have made your very being known to them(you and I)-- Who you are and what you do-- And continue to make it known, so that your love for me might be in them (you and I) exactly as I am in them." John 17:26 (The Message)

Have you heard from Him lately? I know it is hard sometimes, but he is talking and we must slow down to hear what he has to say. Sometimes I forget and sometimes I'm just lazy. But I have found when I make time for him, he shows up in a big way. Have you listened to His podcast lately...if not, why not?

Fellow Struggler,

Warm Good Morning

I don't like coffee. But I am learning to find great comfort in a warm cup of chai. I can see how people get hooked on the coffee thing. Here's a warm cup of something for you this morning. I'll write more later.

Monday, September 26, 2005

See You AFTER The Pole

See You AFTER The Pole

This is amazing! Thanks for the pictures Stevan!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

See you AFTER the Pole

I can't believe what I witnessed tonight. The worship service that I just came from was amazing. Seeing 500+ students gathered together for the same reason (to give praise to God) blew me away. It is an image that I will not soon forget. Not to mention the energy and excitement. Then there was the fact that these were middle school and high students...many teaching and leading us adults in worship. What an amazing time. I can't tell you how much I appreciate my new group of friends. The youth leaders that gathered there tonight on the stage are men chasing after God, and they want every student to do the same. Thank you guys for making tonight happen.

I'm going to single out two people. One is Stevan Sheets (Warsaw Wesleyan youth pastor). Stevan believed in this night and in me from the beginning. Stevan, thanks for sticking your neck out for me, our ministry, this night and the kingdom. I owe you big! The cool thing is, you don't even see it like that. (Stevan posted a few pictures of tonight, here)
Secondly, thank you Abe. You are an amazing worship leader. It was awesome seeing you use your gift you led over 500 students in worship. Thank you also for your constant friendship and encouragement. It is a privilege to serve with you.
Students...I can't wait to see what God does with your offering of praise. I can only hope that the "Lord will add to our numbers daily those who are being saved." Get ready: "...the tide is coming in, here it is..."


Saturday, September 24, 2005


I love these picture of Aaron. Here's the problem. They remind me that my "journey with God" has consequences. I know that's kind of a negative way to put it so let me change that. It has "ripples". As I engage with God through spiritual disciplines (silence, solitude, fasting, study, prayer, etc.) it ripples into my relationship with Aaron, Deanna, and every other relationship I have in a positive way. I have seen evidence of that over the past few weeks. Also, if I'm not engaging God regularly, that ripples too. Scary!

Ask yourself, "self, who do my ripples affect?"

God, I pray that the ripples that I am making have you at the source. Help me to engage with you today.

See you AFTER the Pole tomorrow at 7pm. Can't wait.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Is it possible to not even know that you are desperate for God? I think that's the place I get too when my day seems to be unraveling and things seem out of control. I don't even realize that what is happening is that I am experiencing a desperateness for God. Too many times I have tried to fill that emptiness with something else other than Him. I think that is why this podcast (spiritual discipline) thing is such a big deal. When we are regularly hearing Him the times of desperateness don't seem so bad, and the first thing we reach for (usually) is God...and not something (or someone) else.

I am excited to worship as a unified body of believers this weekend at the "See you AFTER the Pole" gathering. God, blow us away with your presence!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

SYATP 2005

And a good time was had by all...I think. What a cool thing to see unity taking place this morning. I can't help but think that God was smiling as students gathered at the flagpole this morning to pray for their school, leaders and fellow students. I must say, I never went to a SYATP when I was in high school. I'm quite confident that it wasn't even invented yet. (actually, there were on 13 stars on the flag when I was in high school...since everyone else is making age jokes, I thought I'd take a shot at myself) However, even if there was a SYATP, I don't think I would have had the courage or discipline to go. I was so proud of all of the students I witnessed this morning praying and asking God to heal their school. I'm sure many students forgot, or just decided to sleep in...but many of you showed up to show your fellow students (and God) how important your faith is to you. Wow, way to go. I know God smiled this morning!

Personally, I am excited about discovering more about God. My "quiet times" have been good. I am learning that I almost can't pray without writing my prayers. My brain is too active. It forces me to slow down, think, and let God guide my time. I have found the following question helps me focus my times with God:
"God, I especially feel your love for me today in the area of..."

Have a great day. See you AFTER the Pole on Sunday night...can't wait.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I think "overflow" sounds like a great name for a band. Anyway, a friend and I were talking the other night and we were sharing about ministry and just how we were feeling. He commented that he noticed something different about me. Then it hit me. I have been active with my pursuit of God lately on a significant level. I feel great, and God is daily giving me new strength. Then I was reminded of a talk I heard by Rob Bell at the Willow Creek Teaching Conference two years ago (at least I think that's where I heard it...give me a break, I'm trying to give credit). He said, (paraphrase) "are you teaching out of the overflow of your walk with God or are you scraping off of the bottom to give away something you only once had a long time ago?" Praise God...I am beginning to experience what it looks like to have "overflow."

Fasting: This is funny. I have tried the "fasting thing" lately, and it has blown me away. I've done it before with less than "overflow" results. But this time was different. Maybe because I paired it with prayer and reading God's word...and not with watching the clock and stalking the fridge door as I waited for the precious seconds to pass until I could eat again. I think fasting is a new regular part of my life. If you are interested, ask me about it, because I'll probably never just bring it's not about me, it's about Jesus.

Wow...I've never heard their music, but I just googled "overflow" and they are a band. Huh. That's all.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Here is the latest picture from "One" last night. What an awesome gathering. Now, I can only look forward to 300-400 students gathering next Sunday (the 25th) to do the same thing. This "See you after the Pole" thing, could be the largest gathering of middle school and high school students ever assembled (just to give praise and honor to God) in this community. It's not the size that impresses's the fact that God is doing something significant with you, to you and through you. This is going to be awesome.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Pace 2

1 Peter 4:1-2 "Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourself with the same attitude." Last night, I read one of my journals from 1996. I had written the line, "I don't know why someone would intentionally experience suffering or brokenness." I think that is significant because over the last several years (and even more over the last few weeks) I have discovered exactly why a person intentionally experiences suffering or brokenness (i.e. Spiritual Disciplines). To draw close to God! That 1 Peter passage goes on to indicate that those who do that... have an advantage over sin (and the sinful nature). Count me in on that.
Today should be rather crazy. I'm leading C56 and heading up Summit tonight. This really gets at the "Pace" entry from below. I hope to carve out some significant time for an afternoon nap and hang time with the "little man".

Friday, September 16, 2005

Truffles and Chex mix as a Spiritual Discipline

I discovered today a piece of what I think Jesus was talking about when he talked about “the body”. I had an amazing time today with a bunch of youth leaders from town. We sat together, ate together, prayed together and shared our hearts (and some laughs) together. I think the key there was “together”. The spiritual discipline of “Fellowship” maybe. What is interesting, is that until I typed that last sentence, I was feeling like today I wasn’t doing a very good job at pursuing God. But I must say…this is the second time I have experienced “fellowship” (we don’t call it that…but do we ever?) with these other men…and in my spirit, I know God was honored (by at least most of it I think)…and fellowship was experienced. Sweet!

On a side note…don’t ever try to beat John Bryan (from New Life) at “Skee Ball”. He’s a monster. Thanks Tim for the tokens and thanks JB for lunch. I am excited about what God is doing and is going to do with a bunch of youth leaders committed to a time of encouraging words, prayer and the “breaking of bread”. (I think Gordy’s counts as breaking bread?) Huh…Acts 2 points out that when people did that same thing 2000 years ago…”the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Game on God! We stand ready should you choose to bless us in the same way!