Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Two Mornings After

Well, I shared with Deanna how cool it was to connect with God the other night, and as I described it to her, I told her that I think it was one of the best God times I have ever had. That I actually felt the prayers of people for me and that I felt God was calling me into a deeper relationship with Him. Now here I sit two mornings later plagued by the one of the two traps that I confessed would keep me from drawing closer to Him...technology. I have to find a way to harness the usefulness of technology without getting sucked into the "rabbit trail chase" that the internet offers or new gadgets and all their fun bells and whistles. I'm excited about this day. To quote the Bible, "this is the day God made...let's have fun and be glad we're alive." (my paraphrase.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

He's Back

Wow...great God time tonight. It started with the simple act of obedience. Opening my journal and beginning to write. God met me there. I shouldn't be surprised. "When we seek him, we find him." I've even taught on that. What an encouraging time. I am so thankful for Gods promises. I can't wait to get to know them better over the coming weeks and months.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Kalahari

What a cool time away with Deanna and Aaron. We stayed at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center. My job is awesome at times.(This was a ministry related trip) Here's a picture of me riding a wave in the wave machine. Many people lost their pants...I was only stripped of my pride as I wiped out and showed only my age (luckily). It really was a great time away.

Spiritual Disciplines: I'm still struggling with engaging in "the Word". No plans to go anywhere tonight yet. Maybe tonight will be different.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Haunting Thought

This week in Denny's message he said something that went like this..."If you are inspired to do something and don't start on it in at least three days, the odds are good that you will never do it." He was quoting Bill Hybels and I'm sure that Bill was quoting someone else. My point is this. That is where I am. God has been tugging on me hard lately. I think He's even used the dog to get me up VERY EARLY so that I would spend time with Him. Man I want too, but my actions would seem to indicate otherwise. Time to make some things happen. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

"Sweet Dreams"

So two high school friends dropped by tonight with their three kids and we had a great visit. Difficult at times with all the energy and broken vocabulary, but still a nice visit. I was glad we were able to be hosts.

Anyway, after Aarons bath and a bad time at brushing teeth, I laid him down in bed and give him a kiss goodnight. As I am shutting his door, he rolls over and says to me something that sounds like "need drink". But he says it really sweet and sappy. I'm tired and have no desire to draw out this bedtime thing any further, so I say to him, "what buddy?" hoping he would forget. Then his sentence becomes very clear. He has already repeated it three times to me..."Sweet dreams" he says very softly and plainly. Wow. I almost missed it because of my selfish desire to remove myself from his room. I bent over his bed one more time and told him I loved him and I then wished him "sweet dreams" as well.

God--I pray that lots of people will know about you because of him!"

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Softball and other stuff

So last night we won two softball games. I mention that only because they were the first two games of the tournament and we have barely won two games all season. The whole team came together finally and we made it happen. Cool stuff.

I also had a great day yesterday listening to students share stories of lifechange and how God has touched them this summer. What a cool deal. Thanks guys for sharing with me.

Here's a picture I like. I don't like coffee, but I like photo's of coffee. Is that weird?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Second Blog

Wow, this is cool. I'm in. Does this mean I am post-modern...or cutting edge. I hope so. Peace out.

My first blog

When I first heard of blogging, I thought someone was spelling it wrong or maybe it was something dirty on the internet. It's actually pretty cool. I have resisted for sometime because technology seems to be a trap for me but I'm going to give this a try. I hope to keep it up to date. We'll see! Here's a picture of Aaron and I. Fun stuff.