Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Our other child.

Please forgive me. I can't believe that I have been blogging this long and have never mentioned this sweet little girl that is such a huge part of our family. Please allow me to introduce to you...Vetriselvi. She is the young little lady that we sponsor every month through Compassion International. She lives in South-Eastern India. She calls us Auntie and Uncle when she writes us letters. She colors for us...and every month we support her financially and get to provide her with food, clothes and an education. In return, she offers us perspective in life. What I mean is...when I am feeling like I am having a bad day...I remember that Vetriselvi got a bowl of rice...for the day. When I desire some new piece of technology or want to spend wildly on myself...I remember that Vetriselvi gets a new dress on her birthday and at Christmas. We also share Vetriselvi's story with Aaron...especially when he whines! Her picture stays on our fridge and I am reminded to pray for her often. Many of her family members have died...and we have said many times, if we ever get a letter telling us that both of her parents have passed away, we are going to get her and bring her here with us.

We have sponsored this little girl for five years, and we have watched her grow up...even if only through pictures and letters. I just wanted to share with you this little lady that has had a significan impact on our hearts, our walk with God and our family.

WARNING: Everything in this entry is true. None of it has been fabricated or embellished. However, it is a set-up for the next few entries. I have no scruples when it comes to something I truly believe in. Lifechange is one of those things. More later.

He doesn't need me?

If I get hungry, do you think I'd tell you?
All creation and its bounty are mine.
Psalm 50:12 (The Message)

It’s sometimes hard to remember that God doesn’t need me…he wants me. He can get along fine without me. I love this Psalm, because it is kind of like God is sarcastically saying, “Hello, did you forget who is God? Did you forget who made the planet you are standing on…and the legs you are using to stand.”

I don’t want to forget today to look at stuff (or anything for that matter) and remember that God put everything in place. There is an order to the world and if I were to trace anything back to where it came from…I would find God.

God, I pray that the trail of my life would lead back to you. I desire to bring you glory today. May everyone that encounter today have a brush with you…because you are in me. Help me not to hide that.
We had fun this weekend cutting down a Christmas tree. The horses were a fun surprise too. Yes, we kill a live tree and put it in our house. But Aaron loves it.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Great weekend

Great weekend

Man, what a good weekend.  Thanksgiving was great.  Good food, good time with our families and one of my favorite family traditions...decorating the Christmas tree.  You may find that stupid, but I don't care.  I love it.  And, this is two years in a row that Deanna and I didn't fight when we picked out the tree.  Aaron seemed to enjoy the whole process too.  He even got to put a little tree of his own in his room.  Two things and I'll move on.  I can’t believe I'm confessing this...but the Christmas tree decorating process isn't complete unless we eat homemade chocolate chip cookies and listen to the Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton Christmas album while decorating the tree. (listen here) If you don't believe me, try it this year.  You too will experience Christmas bliss like I have so many times as a child and now as an adult.  (it is available on CD and cassette)  Maybe Deanna and I should listen to Kenny and Dolly WHILE picking out the tree.   Maybe that would help.  

Other noteworthiness
Tonight at "One" was really cool.  We had the opportunity to quiet our hearts and worship God.  We do that every week, but this week was without the band.  Don't get me wrong...I have had some AMAZING times of worship at WCC and other places with some outstanding worship teams.  But tonight was just sitting and letting God wash over me.  Listening to him and giving myself to him.  I loved the experience and I loved watching hundreds of others have the same experience.  Thanks God for showing up in the quiet still times!  Actually, thanks for being there always.

Interesting thought:  In high school, for my writing class, I copied old journals because I couldn't come up with anything to "free write" about.  This is probably about my hundredth blog entry.  Huh.

I almost cried.

I read this a few weeks ago and it almost made me cry. Partly because I am a dad of a three year old, and partly because I have treated God pretty crappy at times. Read it and enjoy.

Real Life 101 (taken from the article, "Elvis and Intimcay"--Tim Elmore)
I had a missionary friend who was fre­quently called away from home. It was tough on his family, but it was hardest for his little son. At the train station, the boy would cling to him as if to beg him not to go. Most of the time his dad would appease the boy by bringing him an apple (apples were a rare treat in this country). This would distract the child until after he was able to jump on the train and depart.

One day, when he knew the trip would be especially long, my friend brought two apples to the station. He knew it would be a tough departure. Sure enough, the little boy clamped onto his dad's hand with all of his might. Outside of the passenger car my friend was to board, he said, "Now son, I'm going to be home soon, I prom­ise. And guess what? I brought you not one, but two apples."
He jammed them into his son's tiny hands and quickly hopped onto the train. After setting down his luggage, he glanced out the door to see if his son was still there. As he looked out the opening of the train, he saw the child still standing in the same place he had left him. The apples had been dropped onto the concrete and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. He heard his little boy whimper, "But daddy, I don't want your apples ... I want you."

I think God is looking for people that will say to Him, "Your answers to prayer are wonderful. Thanks for all you've given me. But even if I never got another answer, it would be enough to just know You.” It's a pure desire for God. Noth­ing more. Nothing less. Nothing else. No hidden agendas. Is this your heart's cry?

--Isn't that amazing. My prayer for you and I today is that we treat God like God, see him as savior, and serve him as Lord.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Costly year...for someone.

Salvation (our “position in Christ”) is free.  Intimacy (abiding in Christ”) is expensive.  
–Tim Elmore

I can add nothing to that.  

I will however comment.  Salvation is free to us…but Christ paid for it with his life.  And some days I find my only excuse is… “I forgot”, “I was busy”, or “I don’t know why I didn’t pursue God today.”  How lame is that.  God, forgive me for being so insensitive.


I am excited about the thanksgiving weekend.  Someone dropped by my office today and said: “you’ve got a lot to be thankful for this year.”  Heck ya!  A new baby on the way, an awesome kid, an amazing wife, a job I love and another year where God has faithfully provided for all my needs.  I’ve traveled.  I’ve rested.  I’ve loved.  I’ve laughed, smiled and cried.  I’ve hit bottom, I’ve hurt, been kicked in the gut (figuratively), and been offered a hand (literally).  I’ve performed weddings and a funeral.  I’ve hosted and been hosted.  God has given and he has taken away.  Man, what a year.   Maybe my next few blogs will look back…like a year in review or something like that.

If I don’t write for a few days…I’m at my parent’s house in Muncie…their home is the internet black hole.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Important things...people.

Stillness…silence…peace…prayer.  Things we don’t experience often enough.  

God, help me today to experience you.  I desire an encounter with you today.  Help me not to miss it because I’ve got my nose down, I’m running hard and working even harder.  I desire community and communion with you over isolation and productivity.  I know that out of that communion will flow the priorities of my day, week and month.  And if I stop for just one minute and reflect on your teaching and the life of your son Jesus, I know that people are going to rise to the top.  Thanks for elevating me on your list of priorities.  

Monday, November 21, 2005

Marching to drums...and Henry's my dad.

Why should we be in such desperate haste to
succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace
with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different
-- Henry David Thoreau

Crap...that is amazing. That is me. Henry just pegged me. He just gave me permission to be me. To think like me (or God in me) and act like me (or God in me). Do you know how many times I have felt weird, odd or different? O.k. a lot. Many times because I have been acting weird and odd.

Here's the deal. As I am growing in my relationship with God (and I thank God I am right now), I am becoming weird by the worlds standards. (I don't mean the creepy kind of weird that you feel when the guy at the county fair follows you a little too far, and a little too close for a little too long.) I mean that I am home most nights by 4:45pm. I have breakfast with my three year old often, I eat lunch with my kid once a week, I vacation and take time off, I volunteer, I tithe, I drive an 11 year old car, and I pray before I eat...even in public.

I am trying to value the stuff God values instead of valuing the things the world values. (Look at Ps. 119:19...good stuff) Try this on.When we (as believers) attempt to become more like Christ, we are stepping out of the our current dwelling and declaring our eternal address as heaven and not here...Therefore, giving us permission to act like we are not from here. March to his drum you rebellious marchers! NOTE: this does not give us permission to be rude, mean, judgmental or leave small tips at restaurants. Thanks Henry for the encouragement.

Henry is my dad's middle name. Everyone calls him Tom. My midlle name is Scott. Everyone calls me Scott.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Good reminder.

Taken on my trip last winter from Indy to Connecticut.

Nun-Chai (not a martial art)

A nun does not get up each morning and go to the closet and think to herself, Hmmmm, I wonder what to wear today. The habit is what she wears. It is what covers her. It is what identifies her. Our condition is the same (as believers). Our habit is the risen Christ. He is what covers us. He is what identifies us. We wear him into every moment, and when we live with this awareness, we PRAISE CHRIST. (David Crowder—Praise Habit)

I like this thought because it is comforting. I am wearing the risen Christ. He goes with me, before me and walks beside me. I can confidently move through life knowing that the one who invented life and cheated death is a part of me. How I forget that daily I will never know. I guess that is why I am thankful for reminders like worship music, hugs from my little boy, encouraging words from my wife, or comments left on my blog by friends.(hint)

I enjoyed a nice cup of Vanilla Chai with a shot of cinnamon at Starbucks in Marion last night. Aaaaahhhh. Chai.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I have read countless books in the last few years on leadership. I can quote people from talks I have heard about leadership. I have invested thousands of dollars (my own and other peoples money) on leadership conferences. When I am dead and gone, people MAY say I was a leader. I really should be more concerned with whether or not they call me a follower...a follower of Jesus.
God help me to follow you today. In deed, action and speech.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Recognizing what's always there.

Acquiring a spiritual life is about recognizing God, making time for God, admitting our shortcomings to God and understanding that God is here.
(Steve Case—God is Here)

Recently I have been becoming more aware that God is all around me all the time. Duh! We learn that in Sunday school and for some reason as kids, we don’t have a problem understanding that and even acting on it. But somewhere between puberty and acquiring a mortgage I think we become less aware of his presence. Maybe it’s because we are more aware of our own sin, and we can’t stand the thought of God being right beside us, in front of us and all around us when we have blatant sin all over us. I started this paragraph by saying that I’ve recently been reminded of Gods presence. It has been as my little boy hugs me. He’s into this phase where there is no such thing as a little hug. It’s one of those grab your neck, squeeze, pull and attempt to suffocate kind of hugs. But it warms my heart and makes me aware that God is all around me. Aaron, you can’t read yet…but thanks for reminding me of the presence of my creator. I hope I can do the same for others…even without the squeezing/hugging part.

Great article about intimacy with God. (here) It is a rather large .pdf so sorry about the download time. (Approx 3 minutes on dial-up. Less than a minute on cable or DSL.)

Here's a picture I took while I was in Phoenix this summer.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Beauty and the Monk

Necessity is laid upon us to examine ourselves with diligence to find out what are the true virtues which we chiefly lack and which are the hardest for us to acquire. We should seek to learn the sins that do most easily beset us, and the times and occasions when we do most often fall. --Brother Lawrence (16th Century Monk)

Man, is that good advice or what. As I am contemplating the things I value (and plan on making arrangements to protect) I also have to look at the things that are getting in the way of those values. This quote strikes at the heart of that. And Brother Lawrence lived a long time ago. He was made famous (if there is such a thing) because of his thoughts and insights about the constant "practice" of the "presence" of God. He recognized and responded to God in every area of life. In the hugeness of the mountains, in the intricacy of snowflakes, the simplicity of water, the beauty of a flower, or the peacefulness of a sleeping dog. I want to acknowlege and respond to God every day, every hour and every second. Let's make tha our mission today.

Here are a few pictures I have taken. The flower was in Phoenix, Az this summer and the dog is Ollie. Our year old chocolate lab.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

What do you value?

Recently a friend challenged me to write down the things I value. Here's why. Answer these questions in your head. What was your great-grandpa's name? What did he do for a living? Now, name three things he valued. Did you answer all of those? Odds are, most of you barely answered one of them. That was the case with me. Now, here's a thought. My influence has the potential to last no longer than this lifetime. I don't want that. I want the things I value (God, family...) to go beyond me. I want others to know what I value and I want that to be passed on to my family and those around me. So, I'll be attempting that exercise over the next month. Listing the things I value...the things I feel are important. The things I want others to know I find important. Then the real challenge begins. Evaluating my life and making sure my life is structured in a way to support those things I value. This is going to be fun...I hope.

Friday, November 11, 2005

I got my best friend pregnant.

Put your mind at ease and slow down for just one minute. Deanna is my best friend. Now that we have that out of the way...we are having a baby (actually she is having it). On May 16th, 2006 we are anticipating the arrival of our next child. We are totally excited. Aaron is excited and he is giving us plenty of one liners about babies, where they live and how they got there.
Please keep Deanna and this little one in your prayers. She's about 13 weeks along and things are going well...but prayer never hurts.

BABY NAME CONTEST: Win a free t-shirt by leaving a creative name for our new arrival. Leave a boy name and a girl name. I'll pick the name I think is worthy of a free shirt. (This does not necessarily mean that we will name the baby what you suggest)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My friend Matt...and a pig.

Well, we couldn't find the picture of the pig in my car...but here's the pig. My first hog roast. My other friend Shane (not pictured) and I wanted to roast a hog for a youth event. (what were we thinking?) So we had to pick up this dead pig at the meat locker and roast it. Neither of us had a truck, so we put it in my car. Yes, my Saturn...the same one that many of you have ridden in. What a fun time. I think I like the picture from yesterday better.

Fun memories with friends.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


The picture above is my attempt at art. It's been forever since I've been in art class, but I sometimes dabble with the arts and photography. I call this photo: "A lighting fixture that looks like a UFO" or "Amber Noelle Swinford"(in honor of the girl I had a crush on my 6th grade year at church camp. Love you Deanna!)

No Free T-shirt contest today: But can you guess where this photo was taken?
A. Frank Lloyd Wright Museum in Phoenix, AZ
B. Muncie Children's Museum (Muncie, IN)
C. Some airport I flew through this summer.
D. Crossroads Community Church in Newton, New Jersey
E. My neighbors new house (Warsaw, IN)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wings and underplayed Bible.

I have had so many great opportunities to grow in my faith. I have been to camps, retreats, conferences, outings, meetings and gatherings. I’ve fasted, prayed, experienced silence, solitude, stillness and study. I’ve read books, listened to tapes, watched great messages on dvd and discussed Christian classics over coffee (actually Chai). But here’s the deal. If I don’t do anything with what I’ve gained…have I really gained anything? I found this verse a few weeks ago.

“Only let us live up to what we have already attained.”
Phil 3:16

I say “I found it” because it is tucked behind a very common verse we hear a lot...but this one gets very little play. (see what I mean

My desire it to live up to what I have already attained. Many people in the world would die to have experienced some of the amazing things I have been able to experience. Home churches in China would be revolutionized by the simple library (o.k. 4 shelves of books…but that’s a ton to the persecuted church) of resources that I own, and have at my fingertips. God, help me today to simply draw on what I already know and have attained…and apply it.

I watched the Colts game with some great friends last night. Evan, Shane,
Morris and Gern. What a great time. I should have gotten the mild sauce on my wings. Ouch! I got on-line this morning and read Evan’s blog and was almost brought to tears at this entry…or maybe it’s still the wings?

Lastly, Aaron has a new baby Cousin. Alayna. He loves her a lot and will tell you all about it. Here's the CONTEST FOR THE DAY. Comment and leave a "suggested title" for this picture. I'll pick a winner tomorrow and the winner gets a free t-shirt from

Alex F. won yesterday. She was wrong, but she was the closest. The picture was on the ferry that takes you to Mackinaw Island, Michigan. Nice try for those of you who guessed Niagra falls though. But South Carolina in August wearing sweatshirts. Come on people. Have you never watched CSI. Get some skills.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Where in the world...

Several years ago, I bought Deanna one of the cheeziest Christmas gifts I have ever gotten her...but it might have been one of my most thoughtful (so she says). I purchased for her the cd rom version of "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego". She had shared with me once, that as a child she loved playing the game with her sisters. So during a random pre-Christmas outing to "Staples"-The office supply superstore- The game leaped to me from the rack of often forgotten, but reasonably priced cd rom games. I purchased it. Aaahhh...what a memory.

In honor of that memory and the fact that this week kicks off NBC's,
The Today Show, feature, "Where in the world is Matt Lauer" ...I submit this picture of Deanna and I on our first anniversary. It was an amazing vacation. One that I will never forget. Spending that much time with my best friend at this location was relaxing, fun and just really cool. (So cool in fact, we went back for our second anniversary) So, here's what you get to do now. Guess where we went on our anniversary. Leave a comment and guess where the photo was taken. The old ladies and the water give a small clue. Here's another clue...our anniversary is August 16th. If you think you know, submit a comment with your answer. The first right answer gets a free t-shirt from (Sorry Deanna, you are not eligible)

By the way, two years after I got her the Carmen Sandiego game ...I got her "Clue:Murder at Boddy Mansion" for Christmas...the music on the game is annoying...but she loved it. I love that gal.
Coming later this week: A picture that includes my 1994 Saturn, a really good friend and a really dead pig.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

An Open Letter.

Friendships can be a really cool thing.  They also can be a source of pain.  My time in student ministry is peppered with countless meetings about people who have been hurt by friends, misunderstandings between friends, friendships that have been taken advantage of and yes, boy/girlfriends stolen by friends.  Every one of those conversations stands out as very painful. (usually if students are talking to me about it…it is past the point of painful and has sometimes even turned to…dare we say it…anger)  I guess I am writing all of that to say this.
An open letter to all my friends:  I am sorry that I have been the giver (disher-outer) of the above mentioned hurt, pain and disappointment.  (Although I can’t think of an instance where I stole a girlfriend from any of you).  I know that because I possess a belly button (and am therefore human) I have hurt you at times.  I have let you down.  I have disappointed you.  I have been late, I have forgotten, I have been insensitive.  I may have even on occasion made a joke at your expense that you thought wasn’t funny.  “I am sorry.”  I think those are words that I don’t say often enough in friendship.  I may overestimate your ability to forget or to heal without those words.  I don’t expect this blog to be surgery for major hurts…but maybe it will be a start.  I value you, I care about you and I want to be there for you.  Even if my actions have indicated otherwise.  I would not be where I am today without the friendships in my life that have carried me, encouraged me and lead me.  Thank you all.  You know who you are.

Question of the day:  Instead of answering the question of the day, e-mail a friend to let them know how much you appreciate them.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

“shut up and quit being stupid.”

Kevin (Haines) is another one of my friends. Kevin is one of those people that pushes me and inspires me and I don’t even know if he knows it (maybe he will after this blog). Kevin is one of those encouraging and truth telling friends. If I have a bugger hanging…he’ll tell me about it so I won’t be embarrassed in front of others. Then he will laugh his head off at me. He helps me laugh at myself. I need that. He also can see through me and knows when I am down or hurting. And note this students: He’s not afraid to ask me what’s going on...and not let up untill I tell him about it. That’s friendship. I think God gives us those people (and makes us be that person for others sometimes) to make sure we keep going. Kevin is one of those people you better be careful sharing your dreams and goals with…he won’t let you fail at them…so make sure you share what you want. My only doubt is that I am as good a friend to Kevin as he is to me. He would read that comment and tell me to, “shut up and quit being stupid.” Thanks for being a great friend Kev. I hope I can be there for you like you are for me. O.k., I’ll shut up. Sorry.

Note to all my friends: Friends being blogged about are presented in no order. They are completely random. Order of listing, or length of blog is not an indicator of either the value I place on our friendship, or the size of Christmas gift I expect. Carry on.

That's Kevin on the left, I'm in the red hat and that's our friend Wil in the kilt. (That may not all be true...but it does make you think doesn't it?)

Question of the day:
Are you only answering the question of the day ONLY if there is a prize on the line?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Friends and Septic Tanks

Man, I have been blessed with a ton of friends. I wonder if any of them read this…anyway… One of those great friends I have is my friend Brandon. Many of you know him. Brandon and I met several years ago playing softball. We’ve had the opportunity to travel together, eat together, laugh together, pray together, play ping pong, share an office, golf, drink coffee (or girly drinks at Courthouse Coffee), make fun of eachother, make fun of others, humor eachother at weddings, comfort eachother at funerals… he even bought me a snowblower (I paid him for it…but not much). This is how good a friend Brandon is…actually, I can’t tell that story…but just know it involved him to do something with our septic tank…and he did it. That’s friendship. Brandon and I have the same standards and we look out for eachother. The only problem I have with our friendship is that we don’t get to see eachother more often. Thanks B-dog for being a great friend.

I have another friend who is living in India right now…Read Sarah’s blog
here…cool stuff.

Question of the day: Would you rather visit India or China?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Up late

Up late
My friend Troy once said, “There are 24 hours in a day, and I’ve found that sometimes you have to use them all.”  It doesn’t happen to me very often, but on occasion that happens.  I came close 2 nights ago.  I was up with Aaron b/c he woke up at midnight crying.  Once I got him back to sleep, I couldn’t sleep.  My mind was racing…then I made hot chocolate and watched a sermon by Bill Hybels from Willow Creek.  It was over after that.  I read some and surfed the web a little bit.  It was quiet.  It was cool.  I got back to sleep at 5:30 am.  I was fully expecting to drag through the day on Monday…but I didn’t.  I had a ton of energy…right up until 8 pm last night…then I crashed.  While Troy’s statement is true, I don’t recommend it very often.

We had a great time with my friend Shane last night.  He bought us Pizza King (Thanks Shane).  I love Pizza king.  Pizza Hut for lunch yesterday with Stevan (Pastor at Warsaw Wesleyan) and Pizza King last night with Shane…not good on the pipes.   Not very inspiring today.  Just keeping you up to date on life.

Question of the day:  Give me link to a good website you’ve viewed lately.