Thursday, November 03, 2005

“shut up and quit being stupid.”

Kevin (Haines) is another one of my friends. Kevin is one of those people that pushes me and inspires me and I don’t even know if he knows it (maybe he will after this blog). Kevin is one of those encouraging and truth telling friends. If I have a bugger hanging…he’ll tell me about it so I won’t be embarrassed in front of others. Then he will laugh his head off at me. He helps me laugh at myself. I need that. He also can see through me and knows when I am down or hurting. And note this students: He’s not afraid to ask me what’s going on...and not let up untill I tell him about it. That’s friendship. I think God gives us those people (and makes us be that person for others sometimes) to make sure we keep going. Kevin is one of those people you better be careful sharing your dreams and goals with…he won’t let you fail at them…so make sure you share what you want. My only doubt is that I am as good a friend to Kevin as he is to me. He would read that comment and tell me to, “shut up and quit being stupid.” Thanks for being a great friend Kev. I hope I can be there for you like you are for me. O.k., I’ll shut up. Sorry.

Note to all my friends: Friends being blogged about are presented in no order. They are completely random. Order of listing, or length of blog is not an indicator of either the value I place on our friendship, or the size of Christmas gift I expect. Carry on.

That's Kevin on the left, I'm in the red hat and that's our friend Wil in the kilt. (That may not all be true...but it does make you think doesn't it?)

Question of the day:
Are you only answering the question of the day ONLY if there is a prize on the line?


Anonymous said...

No, Your questions are cool. Who wouldn't want to answer them. Right now it's like 9:51 p.m. on Wednesday so yeah I'm answering both wed. and thurs. haha! talk to you Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Nope! They give me something to do! And a lot of the questions really make me think about things

See ya Sunday!
