Tuesday, September 27, 2005

His Podcast

I sometimes forget that God is always (and I don't use that word often) trying to tell me something. He is constantly broadcasting to me. Jesus puts it like this as he's talking to God:

"I have made your very being known to them(you and I)-- Who you are and what you do-- And continue to make it known, so that your love for me might be in them (you and I) exactly as I am in them." John 17:26 (The Message)

Have you heard from Him lately? I know it is hard sometimes, but he is talking and we must slow down to hear what he has to say. Sometimes I forget and sometimes I'm just lazy. But I have found when I make time for him, he shows up in a big way. Have you listened to His podcast lately...if not, why not?

Fellow Struggler,

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