Monday, February 27, 2006

Two Weeks Back at High School

On Thursday I go back to high school for two weeks. You can read all of my entries at starting tomorrow. Also, check out the video diary and results from the student survey's.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Back to School

Well, it’s official. Seven days from today I am going back to high school for two weeks. I know it sounds weird…but it isn’t. In one week I am going back to high school for two weeks. I’ll be a 33 year old sophomore with a locker, school ID, backpack and five classes. Here’s the official answer to the question, “What the heck are you thinking?”

I am trying to achieve a greater understanding of today’s student culture. I want to understand the pressures that exist on student’s time, emotions, family and relationships. Hopefully by immersing myself in a students schedule and environment, I will gain valuable perspectives that will allow myself and the staff of Warsaw High School to make informed decisions in regards to leading and guiding students.

Long Term: It is my desire that the data collected (through the website, through my interviews and through feedback from students) will serve to be beneficial to parents, administrators, local and state level educators and other community youth workers.

So, today I went to school to get things rolling. I got my locker…#G212…It’s in the Math hallway. Students laugh when I tell them that, and I’m not really sure why…I guess I will find out. I also got my parking pass (see the picture). AND…I finally got my Schedule.

Class Schedule

Algebra I



English 10

Freshman P.E.

I contacted a few of my teachers today. I have to go get school supplies today! My drawing class is going to set me back $23. And trust me…I could sell the artwork I am going to create and still owe people money. I wonder if the construction class would be willing to come to the house and help me with a few projects?

Next Tuesday we will officially launch the website for this experience…. and my first day of class will be March 2nd. I will temporarily suspend blogging here at and will be document my experience through I’ll write more later. Are any of you good at Algebra?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lions, Bears and Bathtubs...Oh, my!

“He tried it on lions, he perfected it on bears…he was ready for Goliath.” (speaking about David…future King, and one of Aaron’s favorite Bible characters.)

What are you practicing?  We are all rehearsing for something.  Every day we repeat patterns of behavior that train our bodies and brains to do something.  So, what are you rehearsing?  

I’ve gotten on my soapbox several times in the last year and complained about parents training their children for dysfunction because of the schedules they allow them to keep, the number activities they allow them to be in and the lack of priority of God they place in their lives and the lives of their kids.  Yikes…that almost sounds judgmental.  Maybe that’s why I am confessing it here.  Maybe I have been rehearsing the same thing.  If you read my backlog of blogs, you might come to the conclusion that I suffer from the same dysfunction…especially when you read the number of blogs labeled “pace”.  

My point is this…David prepared for Goliath.  Sure, he didn’t know he would meet Goliath when he got up that day…but he was ready because he had been faithful for many days, months and years leading up to that event.  He knew what he was capable of, and he certainly knew what God was capable of: evidence provided when he boldly declared: “the battle is the Lord’s” (you should hear my 3 year old say that…it’s so cute!)  Maybe David should have prepared and rehearsed a little more for the “Bathsheba moment”…then again, maybe he had rehearsed for that moment…do you think it was the first time he found himself on the roof spying on a bathing woman?

What behaviors are you rehearsing?

Friday, February 17, 2006

This is Funny

Nothing too spiritual or encouraging today...but watch will laugh!


Monday, February 13, 2006


"God has a unique purpose that he desires to carry out in me. To know this purpose, I must first know Him. To fulfill this purpose, I must trust Him and have the courage to act on it...which may feel like a risk. "---Catalyst, Elements of a Next Generation Leader

I think that I need to be more courageous. When I look back and examine my greatest leaps in fulfilling my calling came when I was being courageous. Not foolish...but courageous. There was definitely risk involved. But at the seemed as though the risk only affected me. The stakes are now higher. They affect people I love dearly. They affect comfort. They affect relationships. But they if they are driven by a clear calling...I must remember that "His ways are not our ways"...and that He has something big planned. That big thing may be for me, or it may be for someone else.

On another note: I am still trying to determine how I feel about "American Idol". Those people (contestants) seem to have their clear purpose in life concluded...and yet a panel of three can (and all of America can) clearly come to a different conclusion. I know I have blind spots...I just hope they are not that big! have to watch this movie trailer. One of the funniest things I have seen in a while.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

We're animals.

A good friend shared with me yesterday this wisdom.  

“When animals are hurt they do one of two things.  They hide or they attack.”

We as humans are really no different.  When we are hurt (by people)…we either hide ourselves and remove ourselves from the relationship or situation …or we lash out.  Sorry if you have received that from me.  More later…Scott