Wednesday, September 21, 2005

SYATP 2005

And a good time was had by all...I think. What a cool thing to see unity taking place this morning. I can't help but think that God was smiling as students gathered at the flagpole this morning to pray for their school, leaders and fellow students. I must say, I never went to a SYATP when I was in high school. I'm quite confident that it wasn't even invented yet. (actually, there were on 13 stars on the flag when I was in high school...since everyone else is making age jokes, I thought I'd take a shot at myself) However, even if there was a SYATP, I don't think I would have had the courage or discipline to go. I was so proud of all of the students I witnessed this morning praying and asking God to heal their school. I'm sure many students forgot, or just decided to sleep in...but many of you showed up to show your fellow students (and God) how important your faith is to you. Wow, way to go. I know God smiled this morning!

Personally, I am excited about discovering more about God. My "quiet times" have been good. I am learning that I almost can't pray without writing my prayers. My brain is too active. It forces me to slow down, think, and let God guide my time. I have found the following question helps me focus my times with God:
"God, I especially feel your love for me today in the area of..."

Have a great day. See you AFTER the Pole on Sunday night...can't wait.

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