Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Jesus points out in the New Testament:
“I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”
John 17:4

This verse is packed with stuff.  God, I want to do the work that you want me to do.  I want to bring you glory.  Help me to not do the wrong assignment.  I know that there is lots of work out there…but I want to do the thing that you want me working on.  Merry Christmas everyone.  


YEAR IN REVIEW:  June was a great month.  After a good Memorial Day weekend, we got to take off for a week and go to Myrtle Beach, SC for a week (Thanks to Dennis and Linda).  What a cool time.  (Cool as in “neat”.  The temperature went below 98 twice I think.)  I played golf more in that week than I played all summer.  It was a great time with family.  Then came Big Stuf.  Seventy students and 10 adults in Panama City Beach, Florida.  Two students accepted Christ for the first time.  That’s the whole reason I do this ministry thing.  Our bus broke down and we spent 8 hours in a truck stop parking lot…but the rest of the week was amazing.  Deanna got to go this year too.  It was really cool to share that experience with her.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every time I think of Big Stuf I'm all excited. I know it's like 6 months away but how can you not get excited. I had to ponder that verse you have up today. I like it. "I think the Bible is like a present, Cause every time you open it you find something new and exciting." I'll talk to you later. :)
- Amie