Thursday, November 10, 2005

My friend Matt...and a pig.

Well, we couldn't find the picture of the pig in my car...but here's the pig. My first hog roast. My other friend Shane (not pictured) and I wanted to roast a hog for a youth event. (what were we thinking?) So we had to pick up this dead pig at the meat locker and roast it. Neither of us had a truck, so we put it in my car. Yes, my Saturn...the same one that many of you have ridden in. What a fun time. I think I like the picture from yesterday better.

Fun memories with friends.


Anonymous said...

SCOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!...that is is so bad it shouldn't be allowed on the INTERNET!!!!!....and pretty much everything is allowed to be on it...i am sooo against killing and or eating pigs...sure sometimes i eat very little portions of certain parts of the pig....but i have good reason for being against pig all the cow you want...or fish....or typical meats....but not pig...or horse...or deer....hey, it was nice seeing you and abe today...well, i guess i'll talk to you later....
Alex Shoemaker Furnivall

i know what you were were thinking it would be a good idea to roast an entire pig so there would be enough for everyone...and the expirience would be good and possibly fun because you had never roasted a pig before....then you thought up the bright idea of putting a headless...cut up pig in your car, mind you, the car that you allow your friends, family, and everyone else to ride in!!!...geez....what were you thinking????

have a good day, scott

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Thats awesome. What were you all thinking you can't put a pig in a car. But I would've paid money to see it.
Amie :)

Anonymous said...

Alex deer is actually very good. It's one of my favorites. :) cause you can't say it's gross unless you've tried some. :)