Sunday, November 06, 2005

An Open Letter.

Friendships can be a really cool thing.  They also can be a source of pain.  My time in student ministry is peppered with countless meetings about people who have been hurt by friends, misunderstandings between friends, friendships that have been taken advantage of and yes, boy/girlfriends stolen by friends.  Every one of those conversations stands out as very painful. (usually if students are talking to me about it…it is past the point of painful and has sometimes even turned to…dare we say it…anger)  I guess I am writing all of that to say this.
An open letter to all my friends:  I am sorry that I have been the giver (disher-outer) of the above mentioned hurt, pain and disappointment.  (Although I can’t think of an instance where I stole a girlfriend from any of you).  I know that because I possess a belly button (and am therefore human) I have hurt you at times.  I have let you down.  I have disappointed you.  I have been late, I have forgotten, I have been insensitive.  I may have even on occasion made a joke at your expense that you thought wasn’t funny.  “I am sorry.”  I think those are words that I don’t say often enough in friendship.  I may overestimate your ability to forget or to heal without those words.  I don’t expect this blog to be surgery for major hurts…but maybe it will be a start.  I value you, I care about you and I want to be there for you.  Even if my actions have indicated otherwise.  I would not be where I am today without the friendships in my life that have carried me, encouraged me and lead me.  Thank you all.  You know who you are.

Question of the day:  Instead of answering the question of the day, e-mail a friend to let them know how much you appreciate them.



Anonymous said...

thanks scott...i think tonight really helped me truely see where some of my friends stand and how my relationship with them changes as our relationship with God changes....i'll talk to you later...
alex s.f.

Anonymous said...

I loved the talk tonight. It made me really think about my friendships. I really thought about what you said to the girls about having a friend you can cry with and it's true we all want that. Anyway have a great week! :)