Sunday, October 02, 2005

The Greatest Quest

At the risk of violating the central message of my last have to read this. I'm not suggesting that you "experience God through Billy Graham", but this excerpt from one of his books is amazing. It gets at the same idea that Tozer was talking about in my last post, but from a different angle.

The Greatest Quest by Rev. Billy Graham
You started on the Great Quest the moment you were born. It was many years perhaps before you realized it, before it became apparent that you were constantly searching—searching for something you’d never had, searching for something that was more important than anything else in life.
Sometimes you have tried to forget about the quest. Sometimes you have attempted to lose yourself in other things so there could be time and thought for nothing but the business at hand. Sometimes you may even have felt that you were freed from the need to go on searching for this nameless thing. But always you have been caught up in it again, always you have had to come back to your search.
(complete excerpt here)

My desire is to go on that quest again this week. I have taken that journey before, but have abandoned it frequently. I pray that this week will be different.

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