Sunday, October 09, 2005

Win the ipod

Here's how to win the ipod that we are giving away at "one".

1. Leave your name (first and last) and the answer to the "question of the day" as a comment on the blog posted each day.

2. That's it. For every comment you leave (maximum of one a day) you will receive one entry for the drawing to win the i-pod mini on October 23rd. You must be present to win the ipod. I can't stress this enough. Only leave one comment per day. Only one per day will count. If you don't answer the question, it doesn't count. There is no right or wrong answer. You will get an entry no matter what your answer is. Good luck.

Question of the day (October 9th): Which do you have a harder time with...reading the Bible or prayer?


Anonymous said...

Leave your comments here with this one to get registered to win the iPod. Good Luck!

Scott Greene

Anonymous said...

I think that reading the bible is harder than praying because when you pray, you can do that when ever you want. Prayer is more portable than reading the bible.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say reading the bible is harder because its not somthing that interests me. I mean yea i think the bible is important but i havent tried reading a version that is more for teens.
Jerry Belcher

Anonymous said...

I think that prayer is much harder for me to do. I normaly pray at night and just end up going to sleep.

Will Brown

Anonymous said...

I think that reading the bible is much harder because you have to be like in the mood and praying can be done anywhere at anytime.

*Emily Readle

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I find it harder to pray, because of guilt or other things on my mind. I seem to get sidetracked here and there, I might have to try that little journal trick you are doing. Other times though, I just don't feel like reading The Bible. I like reading The Bible then talking about It afterwards a lot more. But in the end, I'd probably say reading The Bible is harder, due to the fact that it's not available to me all the time, but I can pray anytime I desire.

-Austin Brenneman

Anonymous said...

i think reading the bible is harder because its easier to get sidetrack

Kayla Stout

Anonymous said...

WOW that one is hard!
I have a huge problem with reding the Bible, I just don't know where to start.
But, I also have that problem you were talking about last week about getting side tracked while praying.
I always end up thinking about what I'm going to wear the next day!!

Anonymous said...

I think reading the Bible is much harder than praying. The Bible can be hard to understand at times. Prayer can be an any time of the day thing. That's what I think! :)
Mercedes P.

Anonymous said...

reading the bible is harder to understand and coprehend because you really have to study, analyze and figure out the meaning of what God is trying to say to you...prayer simply is a conversation between you and God...and what is easier than talking?
Alex Shoemaker Furnivall