Monday, November 21, 2005

Marching to drums...and Henry's my dad.

Why should we be in such desperate haste to
succeed, and in such desperate enterprises? If a man does not keep pace
with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different
-- Henry David Thoreau

Crap...that is amazing. That is me. Henry just pegged me. He just gave me permission to be me. To think like me (or God in me) and act like me (or God in me). Do you know how many times I have felt weird, odd or different? O.k. a lot. Many times because I have been acting weird and odd.

Here's the deal. As I am growing in my relationship with God (and I thank God I am right now), I am becoming weird by the worlds standards. (I don't mean the creepy kind of weird that you feel when the guy at the county fair follows you a little too far, and a little too close for a little too long.) I mean that I am home most nights by 4:45pm. I have breakfast with my three year old often, I eat lunch with my kid once a week, I vacation and take time off, I volunteer, I tithe, I drive an 11 year old car, and I pray before I eat...even in public.

I am trying to value the stuff God values instead of valuing the things the world values. (Look at Ps. 119:19...good stuff) Try this on.When we (as believers) attempt to become more like Christ, we are stepping out of the our current dwelling and declaring our eternal address as heaven and not here...Therefore, giving us permission to act like we are not from here. March to his drum you rebellious marchers! NOTE: this does not give us permission to be rude, mean, judgmental or leave small tips at restaurants. Thanks Henry for the encouragement.

Henry is my dad's middle name. Everyone calls him Tom. My midlle name is Scott. Everyone calls me Scott.


Anonymous said...

hhmm i guess i have always none about this, i just have never really put it into consideration, or gotten deep into it if that last one was to hard to understand...great im trailing, alright well this is true because if im going to school, and acting the way society wants me to act, i sort of give into what they want, which as your "Somewhat Random Ramblings" post quoted is not what we should do, dang Scott, thats a gut puncher at this point, i will meditate on this..

Anonymous said...

I think what you had to say last night was all true. We don't accept people and people don't accept us.
I know that I have two different sides of me. And I know I need to work on that, cause when I'm with my family and close friends I'm different not in a bad way it's still in a good way.But when I"m there at WCC I'm me. At least the one I want to be. It's weird because I never put much thought into it.
Amie :)
By the way I love the quote on your blog today!

Anonymous said...

nice side comment there at the end, scott...i like the idea of marching to the drum of's far better to march to his drum than any other drum of this world...these drums only lead you down a path of darkness and it is hard to turn away from something you can't see...and then you fall...because you have gone too far...and the lead drummers only laugh at you and blame you for the your failure, the same failure that person lead you too...i'd much rather be a stranger here, with heaven as my home..than to claim earth as my home...i really liked this day's entry...what i said may not make any sense at first...but i think you can probably guess what i am trying to say...
Alex S.F.