Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Costly year...for someone.

Salvation (our “position in Christ”) is free.  Intimacy (abiding in Christ”) is expensive.  
–Tim Elmore

I can add nothing to that.  

I will however comment.  Salvation is free to us…but Christ paid for it with his life.  And some days I find my only excuse is… “I forgot”, “I was busy”, or “I don’t know why I didn’t pursue God today.”  How lame is that.  God, forgive me for being so insensitive.


I am excited about the thanksgiving weekend.  Someone dropped by my office today and said: “you’ve got a lot to be thankful for this year.”  Heck ya!  A new baby on the way, an awesome kid, an amazing wife, a job I love and another year where God has faithfully provided for all my needs.  I’ve traveled.  I’ve rested.  I’ve loved.  I’ve laughed, smiled and cried.  I’ve hit bottom, I’ve hurt, been kicked in the gut (figuratively), and been offered a hand (literally).  I’ve performed weddings and a funeral.  I’ve hosted and been hosted.  God has given and he has taken away.  Man, what a year.   Maybe my next few blogs will look back…like a year in review or something like that.

If I don’t write for a few days…I’m at my parent’s house in Muncie…their home is the internet black hole.



Anonymous said...

Yeah I can relate to the internet thing. and again
Amie :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Scott!! Have a great Thanksgiving!! I know I have a lot to be thankful for!! See you at summit!!

Caitlin Perrone

Anonymous said...

you know i just looked at my year, and i didn't realize how much has happened, i just never stopped to look around at it, that was almost a Ferris Bueler quote, what is it, "life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you may miss it", and i think ive missed alot of stuff thats im just now thinking of, wow what a year its been, but lets hope next is better, i mean ill be able to buy R-rated movies at walmart, not that that's the only reason i want to be seventeen