Monday, November 14, 2005

Beauty and the Monk

Necessity is laid upon us to examine ourselves with diligence to find out what are the true virtues which we chiefly lack and which are the hardest for us to acquire. We should seek to learn the sins that do most easily beset us, and the times and occasions when we do most often fall. --Brother Lawrence (16th Century Monk)

Man, is that good advice or what. As I am contemplating the things I value (and plan on making arrangements to protect) I also have to look at the things that are getting in the way of those values. This quote strikes at the heart of that. And Brother Lawrence lived a long time ago. He was made famous (if there is such a thing) because of his thoughts and insights about the constant "practice" of the "presence" of God. He recognized and responded to God in every area of life. In the hugeness of the mountains, in the intricacy of snowflakes, the simplicity of water, the beauty of a flower, or the peacefulness of a sleeping dog. I want to acknowlege and respond to God every day, every hour and every second. Let's make tha our mission today.

Here are a few pictures I have taken. The flower was in Phoenix, Az this summer and the dog is Ollie. Our year old chocolate lab.


Anonymous said...

That is pretty cool advice. How we should look in ourself to find out where we stumble the most.

I love both the pics you showed. the flower is really pretty and your puppy is so cute. I have a Lhasa Apso if you know what kind of dog that is. Also Thanks for the shirt! I love it!
Amie :)

Anonymous said...

isn't it amazing what God is worthy of doing, making and creating?...from simple masterpieces, like flowers, to complex you and i...its just soo crazy how truly amazing our God is, he puts into everyone the very thoughts they have...and shapes their personality each in a way that is like no other...and he allows great bonds and relationships between all that he has created...WOW!!!....God sure is breathtaking....thanks for everything....
Alex Shoemaker Furnivall