Monday, October 03, 2005

The race is on...

Today has been a whirlwind. I had a great time connecting with God this morning through silence and stillness and study (all "s" words...huh.) and ever since then, I feel like I have been in a race. I am trying to get everything ready to be gone for 5 days and's crazy. The "nutso" part of it is that I have left God sitting on the sofa where I had my connection time with him. I know that sounds like a bad "middle school camp skit" but that is exactly what happened. Pray for me. Pray that I don't do that same thing over the next 5 days at this potentially life altering event. Also, if you think about it, shoot Deanna an e-mail to encourage her. She may not even know you, but she would like to hear from you.

I hope to update this from the conference...but if not, please come back next week. I hope to have some cool stuff.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, hhmm I see you point on this one, it often seems as though when in a panic to get somthing done or another thing in that same area, one would indeed sort of struggle to find time, well don't fear Scott, in time life will calm and time will once again come to thee, and don't worry if it gets real bad just quit your job and then you can spend time with the big guy, and you can find the courage to tell the whole youth ministry that you are just going to give that ipod to me, sence well I'm the obvious cannidate for this bad boy. Well i'll pray for ya, and hope time slows eventually.