Monday, September 12, 2005

Worship as a Discipline

Well, as I sit here reflecting on "One" last night, I can't help but think about our worship time. Abe and the band were amazing and gave us an incredible opportunity to set time aside for God and declare to Him what He means to us. Worship is one of those things on our playlist that allows us to connect with God. Here's the proof. Saturday night I couldn't sleep. So I put on the headphones and grabbed my journal and began to listen to one of my favorite cd's. I was blown away as the worship filled my ears and began to take me back in time to several worship experiences that have blown me away. I was connecting with God. He was using the music and the words to touch my soul. I think I have just discovered part of the point of Gods playlist. The point of a playlist is for our soul and Gods heart to meet. That's what happened last night. Now, take that and go be dangerous.

God, give us all that experience again this week.

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