Friday, December 09, 2005

"...from their sins."

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
Matthew 1:21

I read this verse this week and as I first read it, I simply remembered that I have read it and have probably heard it more than a hundred times in my life. The something jumped off the page. The last three words…”from their sins.” Christ came to save us…from our sins. I don’t know how many times I have told God…”I’ll never do that again if you get me out of this.” When actually Christ came to Earth to keep me from doing those things again, and again, and again. He came to save me from my sins. Not just the consequences of my sins.

Year in Review: In January Deanna, Aaron and I found ourselves in Connecticut. We were there so I could perform a funeral for Ryan (Lakin’s) mom Linda. Linda was a friend and fellow believer. Two weeks later I was in West Palm Beach, Florida at a Conference with my former pastor Steve (Helm). A month of both highs and lows.

Here's a view from the skies during our trip to Connecticut.


Anonymous said...

yeah...i sometimes find myself asking if God will get me out of certain situations, but io try not to...i just try to make the best decision i can to help myself, but i still ask God for help by letting me see which choice is the best through wisdom...but i really like that passage...
Alex S. F.

Anonymous said...

that is the most beautiful picture! and seeing things like that remind me just how amazing God's creations are...the fact that He did send His son..pretty much blows my mind.

man, i hope you'll fill me in on the interview during One this not going to be there :( have a wonderful week scott!

hmb said...

i love coming in to the office in the morning and reading your entries. awesome! thank you!

Judy Gregory said...

It was absolutely awesome hanging out with you, Deanna and Aaron at Shakey's Sunday night. I'm so stinkin' proud of you. You're an awesome man of God who, having looked inward yourself, has the pulse on what people really need.

I loved getting to know Deanna more (you totally married way over your head). She's incredible. And, Aaron is an absolute riot. I'd share my iPod with him any day, maybe not my salt though.