Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"New Year" thought.

O.k. so it has been since Christmas that I have blogged.  I kind of miss it.  I was shaving this morning and thought…I might like to become a writer.  But then again, I like people a whole lot…and sitting and typing all day doesn’t seem too fun.  Unless I’ve got a warm cup of Chai and some good music in the headphones.  Oh well…maybe I’ll try my hand at writing some day. Right now…I love being a Pastor!

“New Year” thought.
For many years, I’ve found myself in the months of December and January doing personal “Goal Setting”.  It’s a process that I really enjoy, but have often abandoned around April or May.  (I have a different plan this year)  I read this quote the other day (while contemplating my goals for 2006).  
“Modern culture seems to say: Prepare for everything to improve your odds of finding something.  Rather than stating a clear mission, it encourages us to simply to get up every day, wear clean underwear, cross our fingers and hope for the best.  You never know when opportunity may knock.”  
I want to live a life of purpose.  I want to live life “on purpose.”  I want to get up every day and lift up Christ.    John 12:32 says: “But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."  I want to make it my mission (every day) to do more than cross my fingers and hope for the best. (Thanks Deanna for doing our laundry)  I want to elevate Christ.  I want Him to be seen and heard through me.  This is going to be a great year if I can do that!


Anonymous said...

Hey Scott,
So far 2006 has been good to me. I keeping praying it's gonna stay that way. :) don't we all. I could see you as a writer. I don't know why. But you strike me as the kinda guy who would write a best seller. :) Nice seeing you today!
- Ame
When is the baby coming? I don't think I've found out yet. :)

PomLindsay said...

Hey Scott!
I'm sorry I haven't been to Summit lately or ONE, but I'll be back this weekend I've been on College visits and I was on impromtu vacation with my friend Samantha...WooHoo road trip...it was great and congrats on your news, see you and the rest of the gang on Sunday.