Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hooters Priest?

“Lord…Please bless these overly revealing orange shorts, and all who wear them while serving cheese fries.”  

You have got to be kidding me?  I can’t believe I am posting this, but I also can’t believe I actually read this.  Check out this link to the Fox News site. (barely a credible news gathering source)  Then check out this guys thoughts on the “Jesus ate with sinners” verse.  Very interesting.  Have a good day.  

As a way of expressing Christian solidarity…DO NOT eat cheese fries today.  Wal-mart now sells buffalo chicken wings and popcorn chicken at the deli-counter.


Anonymous said...

I can't see what the point of blessing a food establishment is, in the first place. But when an establishment is ethically questionable (to say the least)... Why?!? Why would you encourage women being treated in a less than honorable way? Why encourage lust?
Jesus loved people, but still hated their sin. I don't think he encouraged or blessed their sinful actions.
Or maybe I just feel too strongly about this. The end.

Anonymous said...

Very intresting. I agree with Brittany why do you need to bless a food establishment like Hooters. I think it's kinda funny that a "Father" would bless a place like that. They might have good food but that's no excuse for what the girls wear. Just a thought.
- ame :)

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. We rarely consider the reality of Jesus' ministry or the ramifications of following it through. The wonderful (trite) bracelet popularized a few years ago asks a question that needs to be asked here: Would Jesus go to Hooters? I bet he would. I bet he would even look the waitress in the eye (not anywhere else) and tell her he forgave her sins... AFTER engaging her in a conversation. I bet he would NOT scowl at her little orange shorts. He gave all the blessings really necessary in one big sermon. I'm pretty sure he covered all the necessary bases with those blessings.

The interesting thing about Jesus and his hang-out pals (hookers, slimy tax agents, etc) is this: they enjoyed spending time with Jesus. They sought him out. Do the hookers in my neighborhood look for me to hang out with them? Do they like me because I love them regardless of their reputation? Wow. When I think of that, I realize just how amazing Jesus was. He looks at all the folks with the same loving gaze. The popes and the prostitutes are all equal to Jesus. They all need forgiveness and love.