Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Here it is.

Well, after several months of prayer, conversations, worship moments seasoned by Jesus and quiet moments with my wife and my God...Deanna and I are moving to Buffalo, New York.

My fingers can't keep up fast enough to type what I am feeling and thinking these days. Let me say this first. Deanna and I know this is a God thing! We are not leaving Warsaw and WCC because we are running away from something. We ARE running, but we are attempting to run into the arms of Jesus. We know this is a step of obedience he is calling us to. I didn't go looking for this...I wasn't asked to leave...God brought this opportunity to us. I have not once gone to the internet looking for other jobs or places to pastor. The list of "Holy Spirit happenings" that has brought this about is pretty exhaustive.

To be very specific...I have accepted an offer to work at The Chapel at Crosspoint as their "Director of Kings World". This position involves oversight and leadership of ministry to infants through 4th graders. I also get to help lead and develop their ministry to parents and families. They host a monthly worship service just for kids and their parent called Extreme Family Ministry (XFM)...kids can't get in without parents. If you are familiar with Kidstuf at Northpoint...ya, that's it.

This position will allow me to use my last 12 years in student ministry and combine it with my current role as father to a five year old and one year old. Oh ya, they also want me to help them be more creative, help teach, and they are planting churches all over western New York. I can't tell you how excited we are to be a part of the family at The Chapel. The mission of The Chapel: To reach every man, woman and child in their circle of influence. (Sound familiar?)

This move is also very difficult for us on several levels.
1. We are moving to Buffalo, NY in January. They average 93 inches of snow every year.
2. Our family is in Indiana. My parents are in Muncie and all of Deanna's family is in Warsaw...or within an hour of Warsaw.
3. We love our friends, and will be moving from them.

I will write more later, but I will close with these three thoughts. We would have loved to have sat with each and you on shared this news with you in person. Unfortunately, time does not permit. Know that we care about all of you, even if we were not able to communicate this with you in person. Secondly, please join us as we pray for our house to sell by Christmas. God wants us to pray specifically, so that is what we are doing. Keep your radar up for someone looking for a home. (details here). Lastly, I love my wife and can't imagine this walk without her. Deanna has been a constant support and encouragement over this last season on our life together. Please pray for us...that we will continue to draw closer to each other and to God through this exciting time. (Love you Deanna!)



Deanna said...

Love YOU, Scott! Whew.... what a journey! It's been an eventful 10 years.... can't wait to see what the next 10 (and 40.... or 50?!) brings our way!!!! :)

I'm thankful for you....

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be prouder of my big brother. You are a true example to us in how to COMPLETELY trust God and follow Him. I will be VERY specific in my prayers. It's a longer trip from Nashville now, but there's always Cincinnatti! I love you.
- Your little sis
I'm not going to cry... I'm not going to cry... I'm not........