Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lions, Bears and Bathtubs...Oh, my!

“He tried it on lions, he perfected it on bears…he was ready for Goliath.” (speaking about David…future King, and one of Aaron’s favorite Bible characters.)

What are you practicing?  We are all rehearsing for something.  Every day we repeat patterns of behavior that train our bodies and brains to do something.  So, what are you rehearsing?  

I’ve gotten on my soapbox several times in the last year and complained about parents training their children for dysfunction because of the schedules they allow them to keep, the number activities they allow them to be in and the lack of priority of God they place in their lives and the lives of their kids.  Yikes…that almost sounds judgmental.  Maybe that’s why I am confessing it here.  Maybe I have been rehearsing the same thing.  If you read my backlog of blogs, you might come to the conclusion that I suffer from the same dysfunction…especially when you read the number of blogs labeled “pace”.  

My point is this…David prepared for Goliath.  Sure, he didn’t know he would meet Goliath when he got up that day…but he was ready because he had been faithful for many days, months and years leading up to that event.  He knew what he was capable of, and he certainly knew what God was capable of: evidence provided when he boldly declared: “the battle is the Lord’s” (you should hear my 3 year old say that…it’s so cute!)  Maybe David should have prepared and rehearsed a little more for the “Bathsheba moment”…then again, maybe he had rehearsed for that moment…do you think it was the first time he found himself on the roof spying on a bathing woman?

What behaviors are you rehearsing?


Anonymous said...

how's that for a reality check?
thanks scott! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with brittany. I never thought about that. You always make me think of new things. :)
- ame