Thursday, August 11, 2005

"Sweet Dreams"

So two high school friends dropped by tonight with their three kids and we had a great visit. Difficult at times with all the energy and broken vocabulary, but still a nice visit. I was glad we were able to be hosts.

Anyway, after Aarons bath and a bad time at brushing teeth, I laid him down in bed and give him a kiss goodnight. As I am shutting his door, he rolls over and says to me something that sounds like "need drink". But he says it really sweet and sappy. I'm tired and have no desire to draw out this bedtime thing any further, so I say to him, "what buddy?" hoping he would forget. Then his sentence becomes very clear. He has already repeated it three times to me..."Sweet dreams" he says very softly and plainly. Wow. I almost missed it because of my selfish desire to remove myself from his room. I bent over his bed one more time and told him I loved him and I then wished him "sweet dreams" as well.

God--I pray that lots of people will know about you because of him!"

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